释义 |
tick·le /ˈtɪkl/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 轻触使觉得痒;呵…痒;使有痒感 He tickled the baby's feet and made her laugh. 他搔婴孩的脚,把她逗笑。 The rough blanket tickles me. 这条粗毯子刺得我痒痒的。 2. 使欢娱;使发笑 The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes. 滑稽演员讲笑话引人发笑。 3. 使高兴;使满足 I was highly tickled at the idea. 这主意使我高兴极了。 The story tickled her fancy. 她觉得这故事很好玩。 They tickled his vanity by praising his work. 他们称赞他的工作,以满足他的虚荣心。 4. 〈口〉轻触;轻拨;弹,按(键) tickle a piano 弹钢琴 tickle a fire 拨火 5. 激起;唤起(记忆) 6. 用手捉(鳟鱼等) 7. 〈俚〉(罪犯用语)抢劫;盗窃 tickle the peter 抢钱箱 ❷ vi. 1. 有痒感,觉得痒;怕痒 My foot tickles. 我脚痒。 2. 使人觉得痒;呵痒 Pepper tickles if it gets into the nose. 胡椒进入鼻孔会使人发痒。
II n. 1. 轻触使痒;呵痒 The little girl laughed when her uncle gave her a tickle. 叔叔呵小女孩痒,小女孩笑了。 2. 痒,痒感 I feel a tickle in my throat. 我感到喉咙痒痒的。 3. 使人发痒的东西 4. 〈俚〉(罪犯用语)成功的买卖
III a. 〈方〉容易翻倒的,摇摇欲坠的,不稳的 [< ME tikelen; 与 ON kitla, L titillāre to titillate 有关] phr. be tickled pink (或 to death) 〈口〉非常高兴 She was tickled pink by the gift. 那件礼物叫她高兴极了。 |