释义 |
thun·der·ing /ˈθʌndərɪŋ/ a. | n. | ad. I a. 1. 打雷的;雷鸣似的 The famous singer took a bow to the thundering applause of the audience. 这位著名歌唱家在听众雷鸣般掌声中鞠躬致谢。 2. 〈口〉极大的;非常的,异乎寻常的 a thundering lie 弥天大谎 They get in here and make a thundering nuisance of themselves. 他们一进这里总是非常惹人讨厌。
II n. 打雷,雷声;雷鸣般响声 a thundering of hooves 嘭嘭的马蹄声
III ad. 〈口〉极,非常 a thundering great fish 其大无比的一条鱼 a thundering ample bosom 极丰满的胸部 a thundering great mistake 极大的错误