

单词 thunder
释义 thun·der /ˈθʌndə(r)/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. 雷,雷声
a loud crash of thunder 一声响雷
There's thunder in the air. 好像要打雷了。
A clap of thunder shook the house. 一声霹雳震撼了房屋。
2. 雷鸣般响声,轰隆声
thunders of applause 雷鸣般的掌声
the thunder of big guns 大炮的隆隆轰击声
3. 恼怒;谴责;威吓,恐吓
He was sitting there, with a face of gloomy thunder. 他坐在那里,一脸阴沉的怒容。
the thunders of the Church (基督教)教会的威吓(如逐出教门等)
4. 雷霆万钧之力;暴力;充沛的精力
5. [常作插入语,用以加强语气或赌咒]
What in thunder is on your mind? 你脑子里究竟有什么思想负担?
You're right, by thunder! 你是对的,千真万确!
6. 落雷,霹雳

II vi.
1. 打雷
It is thundering. 正在打雷。
2. 发出雷鸣般响声,轰隆地响;轰隆隆地移动;轰然撞击
Martial music thundered from loudspeakers. 扩音机里传出雄壮响亮的军乐。
The train thundered past. 火车隆隆驶过。
The waves thundered against the rock. 海浪挟着巨响拍击岩石。
3. 怒喝,大声斥责;威吓
thunder against tobacco 大声疾呼反对吸烟
From the rostrum he thundered at them and shook his fists. 他从讲坛上向他们大声斥责,并且挥动双拳。
1. 厉声发出(威胁、 警告等);吼出,大声喊出
He thundered the punishment meted out to them. 他大吼着报出给予他们的惩罚。
“Get out of my house!” he thundered. “从我家里滚出去!”他怒喝道。
2. 轰隆地发出;隆隆推动;砰然重击
The gun thundered out a salute. 礼炮轰响着致敬。
thunder blows upon sb. 嘭嘭重击某人
[< OE thunor; 与 OHG thonar thunder, L tonare to thunder 有关]
phr. (as) black as thunder 怒容满面的,非常生气的
He left with a face black as thunder. 他带着满面怒容走了。
look thunder 满面怒容
steal sb.'s thunder 窃取某人的有效方法(或计划、主意等)抢先使用,赶在某人前头;抢去某人的成功
He stole his opponent's thunder by proposing a toast for the distinguished visitor. 他抢在他的对手之前提议为贵宾干杯。




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