释义 |
throat /θrəʊt/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 咽,咽喉,喉,喉咙;咽门,喉头;喉道;颈前部 clear one's throat 清清喉咙 He has a sore throat. 他喉咙痛。 The murderer cut the old man's throat. 那凶手割断了老汉的咽喉。 take (或 have, grip, seize) sb. by the throat 掐住某人的脖子 She wore a silver brooch at her throat. 她在颈前别了一枚银饰针。 2. 咽喉状部分,狭窄通道;(器物等的)颈部;管路;口子 the throat of a mine 矿井的巷道口 the throat of a vase 花瓶颈 the throat of a tennis racket 网球拍的颈部 a throat plate (缝纫机的)针板 3. 嗓音,嗓门;〈书〉(尤指鸣禽的)歌喉 at the top of one's throat 放开嗓门高声地 a lady's deep throat 一位女士低沉的嗓门 The nightingale poured out his throat in song. 夜莺敞开歌喉尽情欢唱。 4. 〈口〉咽喉痛 He had a throat coming on. 他喉咙开始痛起来了。 In the last year she had been subject to “throats” and coughs. 在最后一年里,她经常咽喉痛并咳嗽。 5. (取暖炉的)炉喉;(鞋的)鞋帮口 6. 【船】(肋材、 锚臂、 前后帆等的)弯曲处,凹口;(滑车上的)绳孔 7. 【植】喉部
II vt. 1. 用喉音说(或唱),从喉部发出声音说(或唱) throat threats 压低着声音发出威胁 2. 开沟于,开槽于 [< OE throtu; 与 OHG drozza, ON throti swelling 有关] phr. a lump in the (或 one's) throat 见 lump¹ at each other's (或 one another's) throat(s) 激烈争吵,吵架;打架,斗殴 She and my father were at each other's throats over politics. 她和我父亲就政治问题激烈争吵。 cram down sb.'s throat = ram down sb.'s throat cut down each other's (one another's) throat相互残杀;相互倾轧 cut one's own throat 自己害自己,自寻死路 It's cutting your own throat to be so careless. 你这么粗心大意是在自己害自己。 fly at sb.'s throat 扑向某人去掐脖子;突然向某人发起猛烈攻击 When Tom called Dick a bad name, Dick flew at his throat. 汤姆骂了狄克,狄克便向汤姆猛扑过去。 force down sb.'s throat = ram down sb.'s throat give sb. the lie in histhray见 lie¹ grab by the throat 控制住 have (got) the game (或 it) by the throat 〈澳俚〉已控制住局势 jump down sb.'s throat 〈口〉猛烈批评某人,严厉训斥某人;突然猛烈攻击某人 The ecologists will jump down our throats if we kill an endangered species for sport. 如果我们杀死一只濒临绝种的动物取乐,生态学家就会猛烈抨击我们。 lie in one's throat 见 lie¹ ram (或 shove) down sb.'s throat 强迫某人接受(意见、观点等);强行向某人灌输 They rammed a pro-company contract down the union's throat. 他们强迫工会接受有利于资方的合同。 stick in sb.'s throat 卡在某人嗓子里说不出口;令某人无法接受,令某人难以置信 The accusation stuck in his throat. 那些指责的话他觉得说不出口。 It is his treatment of his aged mother that really sticks in my throat. 他对待自己老母亲的态度使我极为反感。 stuff (或 thrust) down sb.'s throat = ram down sb.'s throat |