

单词 thread
释义 thread /θred/ n. | a. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 线
cotton (silk, nylon, flax) thread(丝,尼龙,麻)线
gold thread 金线
a length (piece, reel) of thread 一段(一根,一卷)线
2. 细丝;线状物,线状体;细细的一条
the threads of a spider's web 蜘蛛网的一根根细丝
a thread of light 一线光
a thread of white smoke 一缕白烟
a thread of hope 一线希望
Her voice was now a thin thread. 她现在说话的声音已非常微弱。
He was quick to detect the finest thread of nervousness in their laughter. 他很敏锐,能察觉他们的笑声中带有一丝紧张不安。
3. 思绪,思路;贯穿的主线
the common thread uniting all these ideas 把所有这些想法维系在一起的共同主线
A thread of melancholy marked all his writing. 他的作品都带有一丝忧郁。
4. [threads]各组成部分
The threads of the problem were being gathered together. 这个问题的各有关内容正被收集在一起。
The lecturer brought all the threads together. 讲演者把所有的细节都联系起来。
5. 螺纹;(唱片的)纹,槽
6. 路线,进程;希神(命运三女神所决定的各人的)寿数,生命的历程
7. [threads] 美口衣服
I went shopping and got some threads. 我上街买东西,买了些衣服。
8. 细矿脉
9. 微弱的支持
10. 线(棉纱的量度单位,等于1.37米)
11. (公告板等上同一话题的)一连串帖子

II a.

III vt.
1. 穿(针、 线等)
thread a needle with cotton 用棉线穿针
thread the wool through the eye of the fine needle 把毛线穿过细针眼
He threaded his twine through the gills. 他把细绳穿过鱼腮。
thread a pipe with wire 把金属线穿过管子
2. 装妥(胶卷、 录音带等);为…装上胶卷
He threaded the film through the projector. 他把影片在放映机上装好。
thread a camera 给照相机装上胶卷
3. 以线贯穿;以线穿成
She threaded the beads together and wore them round her neck. 她把珠子串起来戴在脖子上。
4. 穿过,通过
thread the path of a wood 穿过林间小道
thread the streets 穿越一条条街道
They threaded their way through the crowd. 他们挤着穿过人群。
thread one's way through the difficulties 克服困难前进
5. 使夹杂(条状物)(with)
His dark hair was threaded with silver. 他的黑发中夹杂着银丝。
a red tapestry threaded with gold 绣金红挂毯
6. 使充满,使渗透
Hysteria threaded his account. 他的陈述充满了歇斯底里。
7. 刻螺纹于
1. 穿过;穿行;绕行,蜿蜒(through)
The wire threaded through small loops. 金属丝穿过许多小环。
They threaded through the marketplace. 他们穿过市场。
The tiny bar is so jammed that the waiters can hardly thread between tables. 小酒吧里挤满了人,侍者简直没法在桌子之间穿行。
2. (糖浆等)成丝状;成线状物
Lucas found his patience threading thin. 卢卡斯感到自己正渐渐失去耐心。
3. 缠绕;编织
4. 装胶卷;装录音带
Thread by placing a full spool on left-hand spindle. 将整盘磁带放在左手边的心轴上装好。
[< OE thræ-d; 与 OFris thrēd, OHG drāt, ON thrāthr 有关]
phr. gather up the threads 1. 将分别处理后的各个部分加以综合
2. (被打断后)再继续下去
hang by (或 on, upon) a thread 千钧一发,岌岌可危
His life was hanging by a thread. 他生命垂危。
have not a dry thread on one 浑身湿透
lose (或 miss) the (或 one's) thread (说话、辩论等中)失去头绪
He had lost his thread and didn't know what to say next. 他断了思绪,不知道接下去该讲什么。
resume (或 take up, pick up) the thread(s) (谈话、故事等中断后)再继续下去;继续中断的友谊
take up the thread of discourse 中断之后继续讲下去
I tried to pick up the threads of my career. 我试图继续从事我的事业。
the thread of life 希神(命运三女神所决定的各人的)寿数,生命的历程
thread and thrum (不分好坏)全部,一股脑儿




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