释义 |
thing¹ /θɪŋ/ n. | phr. n. 1. 物,东西;事物 What's this thing for? 这东西供什么用? The stick has a brass thing on it. 这手杖上面装有一个黄铜的东西。 She's fond of sweet things. 她喜欢吃甜食。 There isn't a thing to eat. 没有什么东西可吃。 living things 有生命的东西 spiritual things 精神方面的事物 every thing in the universe 宇宙间的每一事物 He was a member of a thing called The Committee on Social Thought. 他是一个叫什么社会思想委员会的成员。 2. 事,事情,事件 I have many things to do. 我有许多事情要做。 Don't take things too seriously. 不要把事情看得太严重。 He won't try to make things hard for you. 他不会让你为难的。 That fire was a terrible thing. 那场火灾是一个可怕的事件。 3. [things] (个人的)所有物;用具,用品;〈婉〉阳具 I am busy packing my things up for the long journey. 我正在为这次长途旅行忙着打点行装。 tea things 茶具 kitchen things 厨房用具 Don't forget to bring your swimming things with you. 不要忘记把游泳用的东西带来。 4. (尤指穿在外面的)衣服,外衣 He didn't have a thing to wear. 他无衣可穿。 Wait a moment. Let me put on my things. 等一等。让我把衣服穿上。 5. 消息;[things]局面;情况;形势 How's things? 近来怎么样? How are things going at the office? 公司里情况如何? They couldn't get a thing out of him. 他们从他那里掏不出一点消息。 Things are getting better and better. 形势越来越好。 6. 事业;行为;成果,产品;成就,成绩 accomplish great things 做出一番大事业 That was a mean thing to do to his friend. 那是对朋友的卑劣行为。 make things with one's hands 用手制作东西 7. (努力的)目标 8. 特征,特性,属性 He was many things at once: thick-skinned, good-hearted, sentimental, sly, brutal, naive. 他这个人同时具有许多特性:脸皮厚、心肠好、多愁善感、狡猾、残忍、天真。 A: What's the best thing about it? B: Well, it's cheap. 甲:这东西最大的优点是什么?乙:嗯,便宜。 9. 话;题目,主题,话题;想法 say the right thing 说该说的话 He spoke of many things yesterday. 他昨天讲到了许多问题。 There's another thing I should like to ask you about. 我还有一个问题想要问你。 You ought to look at this thing another way. 你必须从另一角度看这问题。 10. 细节;事项;方面;要点 check every little thing 检查每一细节 the most important thing to remember in night driving 夜间驾车必须记住的最重要的事项 be perfect in all things 各方面都完美无缺 11. 〈口〉人;家伙,东西(指人或动物,带有怜悯、 爱或轻蔑等感情色彩) She is a dear old thing. 她是位可亲可爱的老太。 We feel sorry for the poor thing. 我们为那可怜的人感到难过。 What did you two young things talk about? 你们两个小家伙谈了些什么? You selfish thing! 你这个自私鬼! dumb things 不会说话的动物(指牲畜) 12. [the thing]最适合(或最时髦)的东西;需要的东西,作为目标的东西;被提到的东西 That's not at all the thing to do. 那样做很不恰当。 These two dictionaries are the thing for me. 这两本词典正合我的需要。 Chain belts were the thing a few years ago. 链式腰带在几年前是很流行的。 the latest thing in hats (shoes) 最新式的帽子(鞋子) the fun of the thing 事情的有趣之处 13. [the thing] 重要的事(或事实) The thing to do is to tell him the truth. 要紧的是把真相告诉他。 The thing about him is his complete integrity. 他这人最重要之处是非常诚实。 14. [后接形容词]特定的事物 things artistic 艺术品 things Chinese 中国的事物(指风俗、艺术、文物等等) 15. [things]【律】财产 things personal 动产 things real 不动产 16. 【哲】实在 17. 〈美口〉(尤指神经质的)爱好;恐惧;憎恶
phr. a close thing = a near thing a general thing惯例 all things considered 从各方面考虑起来,通盘考虑起来 among other things 除了别的以外(还);其中 He suggested, among other things, that she and her brother might stay there for a few days. 除了别的以外,他还建议她和她弟弟不妨在那里再住几天。 amount to the same thing = come to the same thing and another thing再者,此外 and things 〈口〉等等,之类 They will give you inoculations and things to cure you from typhoid, or whatever it is. 他们会替你打针等等,以治疗你的伤寒或其他什么疾病。 a near thing 1. 极险的事,死里逃生 He managed to avoid running the child over, but it was a near thing. 他好不容易才没碾过一个小孩,但千钧一发,危险极了。 2. (在选举、比赛等最后阶段)几乎势均力敌,几乎平局 The last race was a near thing. 上次的比赛几乎胜负难分。 an understood thing 已经商妥的事;心照不宣的事 a soft thing 〈俚〉工作轻松而报酬优厚的职务;容易挣钱的买卖;有利的事 as things are (或 go, stand) 照目前情况,在目前形势下 As things stand, we can do nothing to help. 在目前情况下我们无能为力。 a thing or two 〈口〉 1. 应该知道的事情;值得了解的情况;知识,经验 I love my job. I could tell you a thing or two. 我热爱我的工作。我可以向你谈谈我的经验。 2. 责备;警告;教训 If he does it again, I'll tell him a thing or two. 如果他再犯,我就要教训教训他。 a usual thing = a general thing be all things to all me (或 people)能使人人满意;八面玲珑;可按各人意愿任意解释 be on to a good thing 〈口〉(工作、生活等)有了好着落 be up to a thing or two = know a thing or two come to the something仍旧一样,结果相同 do one's (own) thing 〈口〉做自己最爱做(或最拿手)的事;按自己的意愿行事 do the handsome (或 decent) thing by sb. 宽厚地(或亲切地、慷慨地)对待某人 do the ... thing 〈美口〉做…才做的事情 do the bad-guy thing 做坏事 do things to 显著地施加影响于 first things first 见 first for one thing 首先;一则,举个例说(表示作为其中一点理由) How do they manage it all? Careful scheduling, for one thing. 他们是怎样处理这一切的呢?首先是细致地排出时间表。 I can't go. For one thing, I've no time. 我不能去。理由之一是我没有时间。 for one thing ..., for another (thing) ... 首先…,再者… I can't go — for one thing, I have no money, and for another, I have too much work. 我不能去。一则我没有钱,二则我工作太多。 have a thing about 〈口〉对…有一种病态(或强烈)的爱好(或厌恶、惧怕等);对…抱有偏见 She has a thing about her parents. 她特别爱(或怕)她的父母。 I have a thing about strolling along the street. 我就喜欢沿街散步。 The child has a thing about snakes. 那小孩特别怕蛇。 have a thing with sb. 〈口〉与某人有染 hear things = see things (just) one of those things〈口〉命运注定的事,不可避免的事;必需接受(或承认)的事 just the thing 正是所需要的事物 Her proposal was just the thing. 她的提议正合所需。 know a thing or two 明白事理;见多识广,很有经验;精明强干 let things go hang 〈口〉让它去,不去管它,听其自然;对事情不关心 let things slide (或 rip) = let things go hang like one things〈澳口〉〈美方〉以全力:非常迅猛地,拼命地 grow cherries like one thing 大力种樱桃 make a good thing of 〈口〉从…中得益(或获利) make a (big) thing of 1. 把…看作必要,认为…必不可少 2. 对…感到激动(或兴奋) make things lively for sb. 见 lively make things warm for sb. 见 warm not a thing 什么也没有,没有东西 He didn't give me a thing. 他什么也没有给我。 not (feel) quite the thing 身体不太好,感到不适 (now) there is a thing 真想不到啊 of all things 偏偏;真没想到,怎么搞的(表示惊讶、愤慨等) He tried to do, of all things, that job. 他偏偏要想做那份工作。 He blushed, of all things. 他竟然脸红了。 Engaged? Well, of all things! I never thought he'd got engaged. 订婚了?哎呀,真出乎意料!我绝对没有想到他已订婚了。 one thing leads to another (故事的发展不出所料)毋庸赘述 other things being equal 在其他各点都相同的条件下;如果其他情形都一样 out of things 〈口〉 1. 置身局外;不积极参加谈话(或社交活动等) 2. 闷闷不乐 During his first few weeks in his new job he felt rather out of things. 在新工作岗位上的头几个星期里,他觉得相当郁闷。 quite the thing 很时髦 It is not quite the thing. 这不时兴。 see things 〈口〉产生幻觉 Oh, you're seeing things. 啊,你见鬼了。 take one thing with another 考虑各种情况,考虑需要考虑的一切;权衡得失 (the) first thing 1. 首先,作为第一件要做的事 First thing in the morning I open the window and let in some fresh air. 早上,我首先打开窗子,让新鲜空气进来。 I must do that first thing. 我必须先做那件事。 2. 在尽可能早的时刻 I'm going first thing tomorrow. 我明天一早走。 (the) last thing 最后,作为最后一件要做的事 He often goes round (the) last thing to make sure that all is right. 他最后往往要走一圈,看看一切是否料理妥善。 (the) next thing 随后,其次,接下去;作为接下去要做的事 You must do that (the) next thing. 随后你必须做那件事。 the other thing 另一个,那个;另一种 the real thing 上等品,正品;原装货 there is only one thing for it 只有一种可能的办法 things that go bump in the night 〈口〉〈谑〉夜间恐怖的声音 the thing is 问题是,需要考虑的是;最重要的因素是 The thing is, can we finish the work in time? 问题是,我们能不能及时完成这工作? The thing is to seek truth from facts. 最要紧的是实事求是。 whoop things up 见 whoop¹[OE:thing², assembly; 与 ON: assembly, OHG ding thing², assembly, Goth theihs time 有关] |