

单词 thank
释义 thank /θæŋk/ vt. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 谢谢,感谢
Thank you. 谢谢(你)
No, thank you. 不,谢谢(你)[表示婉拒,No后的逗号亦可不用]
Thank you in anticipation. 谨事先致谢。
Thank him for me. 你代我谢谢他。
No more, thank you. 够了,谢谢(你)
There is no need to thank me. 不必谢我。
Alice, I can't thank you enough. 艾丽斯,我对你真感谢不尽。
How can I ever thank you? 我该如何感谢你才好?
A: Are you better now?B: Yes, thank you. 甲:你现在好些了吗?乙:好些了,谢谢。
The old man thanked me for helping him across the street. 老人感谢我搀他过马路。
I have to thank you for your assistance. 我得感谢你的帮助。
2. [用于 will 或 'll 后,表示客气的请求;现常用作反语,含有责备或强制的意思]感谢,请
I will thank you to shut the door. 请你把门关上吧。
I'll thank you to leave my affairs alone (或 to mind your own business). 请你少管闲事。
3. 要…负责;责怪
We have him to thank for our failure. 我们要他对我们的失败负责。
He can thank himself for this setback. 这个挫折要怪他。

II n.
1. [thanks]感谢;感谢的话;谢意
Thanks! 谢谢! [注意:此句语气比“Thank you.”轻]
Many thanks. (或: Thanks a lot.) 多谢。
Thanks awfully (或 very much). 非常感谢。
express one's heartfelt thanks 表示衷心感谢
A thousand thanks for your kindness. 非常感谢你的好意。
Well, I have to be going. Thanks for your time. 我得走了。谢谢你为我花费了时间。
I received a letter of thanks from him yesterday. 我昨天收到了他寄来的一封感谢信。
A: Let's go for a drive. B: No, thanks. (注意:No 后的逗号亦可不用)甲:咱们开车出去玩一玩吧。乙:不了,谢谢。
She bowed (smiled) her thanks. 她鞠躬(微笑)致谢。
2. 好意,友好,好感
[<OE thancian; 与OE thanc gratitude, OHG thank, dank memory, thought, L tongēre to know 有关]
phr. give thanks 作感恩祷告
have (only) oneself to thank 只能怪自己;自作自受
He had only himself to thank for his loss. 他的损失是咎由自取。
no (或 small) thanks to 并未沾…的光;不归功于
She feels better now, no thanks to you. 她现在感到好些了,但这并不是你的功劳。
We succeeded, but small thanks to you. 我们成功了,但这功劳不归于你。
thank goodness (或 God) 谢天谢地
thank heaven(s) 谢天谢地
Thank heavens it didn't rain! 雨没有下,谢天谢地!
thanks a million 多谢
thanks to 幸亏;由于,因为
Thanks to a good teacher, she passed the examination. 幸亏有位好老师,她通过了考试。
Thanks to his stupidity, this work is going to be delayed a great deal. 由于他的愚蠢,这项工作将要大大延误了。
Thank you for nothing. [表示拒绝或轻蔑]得了,不麻烦你啦。
won't thank you for 因…必定会对你非常生气
He won't thank you for damaging his new car. 你损坏了他那辆新车,他必定非常恼火。




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