释义 |
tart³ /tɑːt/ n. | vt. | vi. I n. 〈俚〉〈贬〉妓女;娼妇,放荡的女人
II 〈英俚〉 ❶ vt. 把…打扮得妖冶;把…装饰得刺眼而俗气(up) Where's she going, all tarted up like that? 她从头到脚打扮得那么妖冶,准备要上哪儿去呀? Their house was nicer before it was tarted up. 他们的房子以前没装饰得这么花里胡哨,倒是更好看些。 ❷ vi. 1. 打扮得妖冶(up) They were tarting up in the Ladies. 她们正在女盥洗室里浓妆艳抹。 2. (女子)行为放荡;(与男子)勾勾搭搭(around,round) She was tarting around with some American airmen. 她在和几个美军飞行员勾搭。 3. 追求女人 [sweetheart受tart²影响的缩略] |