

单词 tag¹
释义 tag¹ /tæɡ/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 标签,标牌;(机动车的)牌照
Each coat in the store has a tag with the price on it. 店里的每一件上衣都有标签标出价格。
Have you tied the airline tags on the luggage? 你已把航空公司的标签系上行李了吗?
a nurse whose name tag reads “Sarah Sterns” 一个胸牌上写着“赛拉·斯塔恩斯”的护士
The pigs had metal tags in their ears bearing a number. 猪耳朵上系有标明数码的金属小牌。
a Thunderbird with Louisiana tags 挂路易斯安那牌照的雷鸟汽车
2. 价格标签;价格;账单
balk gas tag 避付煤气账单
3. (衣服的)挂襻;(鞋口跟部的)拉襻;(鞋带或绳索的)金属包头
4. 小垂片;(衣服的)小坠饰;(破衣裙等处)挂下的碎片,破布条
cut all the tags off an old frayed rug 剪去破旧地毯拖拖拉拉的破条条
5. 支离破碎的东西,断片
hear tags and snippets of what is being said 零零碎碎听到几句别人正在说的话
6. 附加物;附加疑问套语(如 You can't be too careful,can you? 中的 can you)
7. 称呼;诨名
He did not take kindly to the tag of pauper. 他不怎么喜欢贫儿这么个称呼。
the Black Panther tag 黑豹党人这一称谓
8. (为加强修辞效果而从经典著作)摘引的警句
Biblical (Shakespearean) tags 《圣经》(莎士比亚)语录
Her speech was full of boring tags. 她的讲演充斥着令人腻烦的陈腐警句。
9. (戏剧的)终场词;(故事、演说等的)结束语;(笑话等说完后附加的)歇后语;(歌曲、诗歌等的)末尾叠句
10. 经常挂在口头的词语,口头禅
He could hardly open his mouth without using one or other of his tags. 他一开口就免不了用上这个或那个用惯了的词语。
11. 末尾;(动物的)尾巴;异色尾尖(尤指狐的白毛尾尖)
12. (绕在钓钩假蝇尾部的)假饵尾圈(多为金属或羽毛制)
13. 一绺毛发;(羊身上)一簇纠结的羊毛
14. (签名运笔之末拖出的)花笔,拖迹
15. 尾随监视者,盯梢的人
I realized that I had a tag. 我意识到有人盯我梢。
16. 美俚逮捕证
17. (放射性)示踪同位素
18. 标识符,标记
19. 乌合之众

II (tagged; tag·ging)

1. 给…加上标签;以标签标出…的价格;(为跟踪观察或识别计)(动物)挂上标牌
His suitcase is tagged with his name and address. 他的箱子上用标签标明他的姓名和地址。
The picture was tagged at $100. 这幅画标价100美元。
We were tagging sharks to study their movements. 我们在给鲨鱼挂牌牌,以研究它们的行迹。
2. (以示踪同位素、计算机标识符等)标示,标记
a tagged molecule 标记分子
tag the antigens 标记抗原
tag automatically an item of data 自动标记一项数据
3. 添加,附加;加接;给…加上;给(鞋带等)加金属包头
tag a moral to a story 给故事加上寓意
tag old articles together to make a book 把旧文凑成书
This information was revealed in a throwaway line, tagged on to the end of a casual conversation. 这个信息是在闲谈结束时漫不经心添上的一句话当中透露的。
He tagged me with a string of insulting names. 他给我加上一连串侮辱性的称呼。
4. 把…称作;给…加诨名
tag sb. as a loser 把某人称作脓包
tag sb. a has-been 称某人为老古董
5. (演说、文章等)加结束语(或摘引的警句等)
He tagged his speech with a poem. 他用一首诗结束演讲。
6. 给…加上罪名,指控
be tagged for murder 被指控谋杀
7. (车辆)贴违章传票;发违章传票给(驾车人)
tag a car for obstructing traffic 因阻塞交通给汽车贴上违章传票
8. 尾随监视,盯…的梢
tag sb. around 尾随某人去各处
I had you tagged from the start. 打一开始,我就派人把你盯上了。
9. (诗句)押韵;串(韵脚)
10. (羊等)剪去纠结的毛
tag after sb. (或 at sb.'s heels) 尾随某人
The boys tagged along (或 on) behind the procession. 男孩们跟着队伍走。
He used to tag round with the school team. 当年他老是跟着校队四处跑。
She gives these parties and her poor husband has to tag along. 她老这样没完没了地请客,她那可怜的丈夫只好跟着受罪。
phr. keep a tag on 密切注意…的动态,监视…的一举一动
tag (oneself) on to 尾随,跟随
There were five of us to begin with, but before long two strangers had tagged themselves on to us. 开始时我们一共五个,可是一会儿有两个陌生人跟上了我们。
Don't tag on to us. 别老盯着我们。
[?; 与 Swed tagg point 有关]




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