释义 |
board /bɔːd/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. (建筑用的)宽而薄的木板 a two-inch board 2英寸厚的木板 boards covering a broken window 钉在破窗上的木板 2. (木或其他材料制成的)板,牌子;黑板;(电气装置中的)插件板;印刷板 a cutting board 供切割(或裁剪)用的案板 a bulletin board 布告牌 a chess board 棋盘 a drawing board 画板 He wrote the word on the board and some of the students automatically wrote it down in their notebooks. 他把这个词写在黑板上,有些学生随手把它抄在笔记本上。 3. 纸板;(制封面的)厚纸板 bound in boards 硬面精装的 4. (篮球架的)篮板;(投镖游戏的)靶;[boards] (冰球场四周的)护板;跳水板;冲浪板 5. 委员会;董事会;理事会;全体委员;(政府或商业部门的)局,部,所,公会 a six-man board of inquiry 6人组成的调查委员会 a board of directors 董事会 Are you on the board of management of this company? 你是这家公司管理层的人员吗? a board meeting scheduled for two weeks' time 准备开两周的委员会全体会议 6. [boards] (由考试委员会举行的)考试 take mock college boards 进行大学入学模拟考试 I did pretty well on my English and history boards. 我英语和历史考得不错。 7. 〈口〉[the boards] 舞台;演员的职业 The play is back on the boards. 这出戏重新搬上了舞台。 quit the boards 不当演员 8. 〈古〉桌子;餐桌;会议桌 9. (尤指包饭的)伙食;膳食 board and lodging (或 room and board) 膳宿 keep a Spartan board 保持简朴的伙食 He took on the job which gave him full board and 30 dollars a week. 他接受了那项工作,待遇是供应他三餐伙食,外加每周30元。 10. 〈主美〉(证券交易所的)股票行市牌;〈口〉证券交易所 11. 船舷,船侧;抢风行驶的一段路程 12. 边;边缘,边沿 13. 【牌】(牌桌上所有玩牌者手中的)明牌;(桥牌中的)明家 14. 配电板,配电盘 15. 〈澳新〉剪羊毛工棚的地板
II ❶ vt. 1. 用木板覆盖(或封闭) (up,over) board the floor 铺地板 board up a door (window) 用板把门(窗)封掉 Two former stores were abandoned and boarded up. 原先的两家商店已关闭,门窗都用木板钉上了。 2. 收费为…供膳;收费供…膳宿 board some students from the university 为几名大学生包伙(或提供膳宿) 3. 使搭伙(并寄宿) My aunt had pleurisy and I had to be boarded out for a month. 姑母得了胸膜炎,有一个月我得在外搭伙(并寄宿)。 4. 上(船、火车、公共汽车、飞机等) board a helicopter 登上直升机 Please board your flight through the gate marked 14:00. 请从标有14点钟起飞字样的入口处登机。 5. (为攻击等)靠拢(敌船);强行登上(敌船) 6. [常用被动语态]使(候选人等)和审查委员会见面 Of the 715 candidates boarded, 104 were selected. 715个接受审查的候选人中,104人入选。 7. 【冰】用身体阻挡(对方球员)将其压向球场四周的护板,界墙挤贴 8. 〈废〉招呼,走上前去和(某人)讲话 ❷ vi. 1. 搭伙,包饭;膳宿 More than 100 boys and girls board at the school. 有100多个男女学生在校膳宿。 board with a friend (或 at a friend's house) 在友人家搭伙(并寄宿) 2. 逆风作之字形航行 [< OE bord plank, table, ship's side] phr. across the board 1. 包括一切地,全面地 The offensive capabilities have been improved across the board. 进攻能力已全面加以改进。 2. (赛马、赛狗等打赌时)(押)前三名 He felt the horse had equal chances of coming in first, second, or third, so he bet across the board. 他觉得那匹马赢得第一、二、三名的可能性都有,就把赌注押在前三名上。 (be) above board 在桌面上的;公开的;诚实的,光明正大的 All they do is quite above board, so don't worry. 他们所做的一切都是十分光明正大的,所以不必担忧。 We might as well have it open and above board. 我们还是把这件事公开为好。 board on (或 and) board (船等)并排地,靠在一起地 by the board 向船外;从船侧 go by the board 1. 从船侧落出 2. 被丢弃;被遗忘;被忽视 He flew into a rage and common sense went by the board. 他大发雷霆,把普通常识置诸脑后。 3. 被毁坏;落空,失去 I'm afraid his splendid reputation went by the board a long time ago. 恐怕他的好名声早就完蛋了。 on board 1. 上船 (或火车、公共汽车、飞机等);在 (船、火车、公共汽车、飞机等) 上 When everybody was on board, the ship sailed. 等所有的人都上了船,船启航了。 He has never been on board a ship before. 他从来没有乘过船。 2. 成并排;成并行 ships on board each other 并列的船只 3. 是其中的一部分 He had been on board the President's staff. 他曾是总统班子的成员。 4. 有 (工作上的)联系 5. 〈俚〉【棒】在垒上 sweep the board(s) 见 sweep take sth. on board 〈口〉充分考虑(形势等);吸收(新思想等) tread (或 walk) the boards 〈口〉上舞台,当演员 |