

单词 switch
释义 switch /swɪtʃ/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. (树木的)细软枝条;(细软的)鞭子
a riding switch 马鞭
2. (鞭子似的)一击(或一甩);鞭打
The cat knocked a bottle off the table with a switch of its tail. 猫一甩尾巴打落了桌上的瓶子。
3. (女子用的)长假发
4. (母牛、狮子等的)尾尖毛簇
5. 开关,电闸,电键;转换器,接线器;开关(或转换器等)的开合
a two-way switch 双向开关
turn off a switch 关掉开关
press the wrong switch 按错开关
6. (铁路的)道岔,转辙器;道岔的转换,扳道,转辙;铁道侧线
7. 改变,转变;转移;转换
a policy switch 政策的改变
a cabinet switch 内阁的换届
After several switches of direction I found myself in front of the post office. 几次转向之后,我发现自己来到了邮局门口。
When did you make the switch from coal to gas in this house? 你们这所房子里是什么时候不用煤而改用煤气的?
make a switch of support from one political party to another 从支持一个政党转而支持另一个政党
He cooperated with Smith at first, then pulled a switch and buddied up to Dawson. 他起初和史密斯合作,后来改弦易辙,和道森要好了。
8. 调换,交换;(欺骗性的)调包
9. (桥牌中的)改叫,改打
10. (摔跤的)翻上

II vt.
1. (用树枝等)鞭打;驱赶
He switched his horse to make it go faster. 他挥鞭策马,使它跑得更快一些。
switch the flies away 赶走苍蝇
2. 挥动(棍棒等);摆动(尾巴等);迅速转动;迅速移动
I switched my head round. 我一下子把头转过去。
He switched his hand away. 他迅速把手移开。
switch a chair to the table 一把将椅子移到桌边
3. 突然夺下
switch sth. out of sb.'s hand 从某人手中突然抢走某物
4. 用开关把…开启(或关掉);用转换器把…转接,转换…的电路
Don't hang up, please. I'll switch you to my boss. 请别挂断电话。我这就给你转接到我的上司那边去。
He switched the lights from green to red. 他把绿灯转为红灯。
5. 用转辙器使(列车或车厢)转轨;(通过挂上或脱开车厢)编组(列车);挂上(或脱开)(车厢)
They switched the train to the other track. 他们用道岔把列车转到另一轨道。
6. 改变,转变;转移;调动,调任
switch policy 改变政策
They kept switching meeting places. 他们不断改变碰头地点。
His mind switched direction. 他的思路变了。
switch the appointment to another day 把约会改到另一天
switch the talk to another subject 把谈话转到另一话题上去
Having considered that problem, they switched their attention to other matters. 考虑过那个问题后,他们把注意力转到了别的事情上。
switch one's funds from one place to another 把资金从一地转移到另一地
switch sb. to another job 调某人担任另一工作
When will the high-up switch Tony and Denis? 上级将在什么时候调动托尼和丹尼斯的工作?
7. (尤指欺骗性地)调换,交换
switch jobs with sb. 和某人对调工作
The two battalions switched fronts. 那两个营在前线互相换防。
The plane switched loads and took off. 飞机卸货装货后起飞了。
He managed to switch envelopes so that an empty one was dispatched instead. 他设法调换了信封,结果发送出去的是个空信封。
8. (桥牌中)改叫,改打
1. (用树枝等)鞭打
2. (尾巴等)摆动
3. 转辙,转轨
4. 改变,转变;转移(to)
During the race the lead switched many times. 在赛跑过程中,领先地位多次易手。
decide to switch (over) to the Conservative Party 决定转而倒向保守党一边
switch (over) to the offensive 转入进攻
switch (over) to the metric system 改用公制
He switched (over) to medicine and graduated in 2005. 他改修医科,于2005年毕业。
switch (over) to a vegetarian diet 改吃素食
I don't like this radio play—let's switch (over) to another programme. 我不喜欢这个广播剧,我们改听别的节目吧。
5. 调换,交换
I am on duty on Saturday but I'll switch with one of the other men. 我星期六值班,不过我要跟别的哪位工人师傅换一换。
6. (桥牌中)改叫,改打
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phr. asleep at the switch 见 asleep
switch around 使交换位置;改变…的位置
They are always switching the furniture around. 他们老是在变动家具的位置。
He was switched around, a few chairs from the President now. 他的座位给变动了一下,现在和总统只隔开几把椅子了。
Now, in a year everything had switched around. 过了一年,如今一切都变样了。
switch back 把…转回去;恢复原状
He switched his attention back to the magazine. 他又集中注意力读起杂志来。
The system doesn't work too well, so we may have to switch back. 这套办法不怎么好,所以我们可能还得恢复原来的办法。
switch in (用开关)把…接入电路
switch off 1. (用开关)关掉(电灯、收音机等),用开关切断(电流);用开关关电灯(或收音机等),用开关切断电流
switch off the ignition 关掉点火装置
switch off the electricity 切断电源
Don't switch off yet, please. 请暂时不要关掉。
2. (像关上开关似地)使突然消失;使停止讲话
switch off the smile 突然收敛笑容
Once he starts telling his favourite adventures, it's impossible to switch him off. 他一讲起他得意的冒险经历来就甭想让他住口。
3. 不再听,不再注意;(使)失去兴趣,(使)感到厌烦
He just switches off when you try to talk to him. 你想要和他谈话,他就是不会来听你。
His mind switched off; he was preoccupied with another subject. 他心不在焉,正一心想着别的事情。
switch on 1. (用开关)开启(电灯、收音机等),用开关接通(电流);用开关开电灯(或收音机等),用开关接通电流
switch on the recorder 打开录音机
I want to switch on at six, because there's a good programme. 我想在6点钟打开机器,因为有一档好节目。
2. (突然或机械地)流下(眼泪);摆出(媚态等);使出(力量等)
The girl behind the counter switched on an automatic smile as he approached. 他走近时,女营业员迅即摆出一个机械的笑容。
The Liberals switched on their full power for the coming election. 自由党人全力以赴对付即将举行的选举。
3. 使兴奋;(服用麻醉剂后)变得兴奋;激起…的性欲
That music really switches me on! 那音乐真使我浑身来劲!
4. 加入新潮;变得时髦
switch out (用开关)把…从电路断开
switch round = switch around
switch through转接(电话)
The telephone had not been switched through to my study deliberately. 那电话不是故意转接到我书房里来的。




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