释义 |
swish¹ /swɪʃ/ vi. | vt. | n. | ad. I ❶ vi. 1. 刷地(或嗖地、哗地)挥动(或行进等) the cow's swishing tail 母牛刷刷甩动着的尾巴 The car sped on in the rain, windshield wipers swishing. 汽车在雨中飞速前进,挡风玻璃上的刮水器刷刷地摆动着。 A car swished past. 一辆汽车嗖地开了过去。 I swished into a car with bulletproof windows. 我嗖地钻进一辆装有防弹玻璃窗的汽车。 The curtains swished open. 窗帘哗地拉开了。 Grape growers guessed that wine consumption would swish upward this year. 据葡萄园主们猜测,今年葡萄酒的消耗量将猛增。 2. 发出刷刷(或嗖嗖、哗哗)声 Her long skirt swished as she came in. 她进来时长裙窸窣作响。 As we cut sugarcane in the fields, I heard Jack's machete swishing above my own panting. 我们在地里收割甘蔗时,我听到杰克挥动大砍刀发出的嚓嚓声比我自己的喘气声还响。 ❷ vt. 1. 刷地(或嗖地、哗地)挥动(鞭子等);哗哗地搅动 The horse swished its tail. 马刷刷地甩动尾巴。 He swished the broom around a few times. 他挥动扫帚,刷刷扫了几下。 The shooting star swished a small arc through the sky. 流星闪出一道小弧光曳过天空。 sip water and swish it about in the mouth 喝一点水在嘴里咕噜咕噜地来回涮洗 2. 嚓嚓地割(off) swish off the tops of weeds with a sickle 用镰刀嚓嚓地割掉杂草的茎叶 3. 嗖地鞭打;【板】捷抽,猛击 4. 使(球)不碰篮圈入篮 swish a 3-point jumper 跳投一个3分空心球
II n. 1. (挥鞭等的)刷刷(或嗖嗖)声;(衣裙等的) 窸窣声;(物体在水中快速行进的)哗哗声;(有缺点唱片转动时发出的)嘶嘶声 Poplars swayed and tossed with a roaring swish. 白杨摇曳摆动,发出很响的飒飒声。 the steady swish of the sickle 镰刀持续不断发出的嚓嚓声 the swish of drawing paper being unrolled 绘图纸摊开时的窸窣声 the swish of a mop 拖把擦地板的沙沙声 the swish of paddles in the water 桨在水中划动的哗哗声 2. 发出刷(或嗖、哗)一声的动作 The horse gave a swish of its tail. 马刷地甩了一下尾巴。 3. 鞭子,笞杖 4. 〈口〉【篮】空心球
III ad. 刷地;嗖地;哗地;窸窸窣窣地 Swish went the whip. 鞭子刷地一声打了下去。 The foliage all went swish with autumn. 秋天来了,树叶都飒飒作响。 [拟声] |