

单词 swing
释义 swing /swɪŋ/ vi. | vt. | n. | a. | phr.
I (过去式 swung /swʌŋ/ swang /swæŋ/, 过去分词 swung)

1. (下垂物、抛锚的船等)摆动,摇摆,摇荡
The chandelier swung in the wind. 枝型吊灯随风晃动。
2. (自由轻快地)摆动着行进 (along,by,past)
The cocky fellow swung toward the door. 这个趾高气扬的家伙大摇大摆地向门口走去。
A camel swung past. 一头骆驼摆动着身子走过。
3. 挥动拳头(或手臂、棍棒)打击(at);摆动手臂瞄准
swing at a ball 挥棒击球
The prizefighter swung and missed. 职业拳击手一拳打去,没有击中。
He mounted his gun to his shoulder, swung on the target and touched the trigger. 他把枪架到肩上,移动手臂瞄准目标,然后扣动扳机。
4. (在铰链、旋轴等上)转动
The gate swings on its hinges. 大门靠铰链开闭。
The door swung open (shut). 门打开(关上)了。
5. 悬,挂(from); 被处绞刑
Sides of beef and pork swung from steel hooks. 整片的牛肉和猪肉挂在铁钩上。
He'll swing for it. 他将为此被处绞刑。
6. (突然)转身,转向(round);转弯
He swung round and faced me. 他蓦地转过身来面对着我。
The wind has swung round. 风向变了。
The ship is swinging round. 船正在掉头。
The car swung round the corner. 汽车转过街角。
The taxi turned left and swung in through the gates of the vicarage. 出租车向左转弯,拐进了教区牧师府邸的大门。
The highway swings to the east. 公路向东拐弯。
7. (航天器)绕行星变轨(by)
The spacecraft was scheduled to swing by Jupiter in 2004. 这艘宇宙飞船预定于2004年绕过木星。
8. (以物为支点)纵身一跃;荡秋千
He put one foot into the stirrup and swung up into the saddle. 他把一只脚伸进马镫,纵身跨上马鞍。
swing aboard the train as it pulls out 火车开出时纵身攀上去
The monkey swung from branch to branch. 猴子从一条树枝荡到另一条树枝。
9. 剧变,大变,改变态度(或立场、情绪、习惯等)
The value of the pound swung downward. 英镑的币值大幅度下跌。
The leading newspapers swing against him. 几家主要报纸转而反对他。
Public opinion has swung round completely on that question. 在那个问题上舆论已经完全转向。
swing constantly from optimism to pessimism and back 经常性地时而乐观时而悲观然后再变回
10. 具有强劲的节奏;以强劲的节奏演奏(或演唱)
music that really swings 节奏十分强劲的音乐
That band really swings. 那个乐队演奏起来确实来劲。
11. 劲头十足地立即开始
be ready to swing into action 准备立即动手干
12. 活跃地跟上时代,赶时髦;(地方等)供人玩乐
She may be over 50, but she swings. 她或许已经年过半百,但还是很赶时髦。
London swings again. 伦敦又成花花世界。
13. (两人)合得来,投机
Man, she may be ugly, but we swing. 嗨,她可能长得不标致,可是我们意气相投。
14. (乱)搞男女关系;交换性交对象;乱交;群交
swing both ways 既搞异性恋又搞同性恋
15. (球)向侧面飞去;(投球手)投侧飞球
1. 使(下垂物、秋千上的人等)摆动,使摇摆,使摇荡
swing one's arms in walking 走路时摆动手臂
He sat there swinging his legs. 他坐在那里晃动着双腿。
swing a baby in the cradle 摇动摇篮里的婴儿
2. 挥舞,挥动(武器、工具、球拍等)
The soldier swung a slow, heavy right hand at Tom. 那士兵慢慢地挥起右手,朝汤姆重重打去一巴掌。
He swung his rifle butt and knocked down the terrorist. 他挥动枪托,把恐怖分子打倒在地。
swing a lasso around sb.'s head 甩套索套住某人的头
swing a bag on to the back seat 把包甩到后座上
3. (在铰链、旋轴等上)使转动
swing a door open 把门推开
4. 悬挂;吊运
swing a hammock between two trees 把吊床挂在两棵树中间
Huge cranes are swinging cargo up over the ship's side and into the hold. 大型起重机正在把货物吊起,越过船舷装进船舱。
5. (突然)使转身;使转向,使转弯
grasp sb. by the shoulder and swing him around 抓住某人的肩膀把他扳转身
swing the gun towards the enemy and fire 把炮口转向敌人开火
swing the car into a side road 转弯把汽车驶入支路
6. 旋转(螺旋桨等)(为求各航向的罗经自差)移转(船或飞机)的头部;摇动启动柄发动(机动车、发动机等)
7. (以物为支点)使(自己)纵身一跃
He swung himself down from the top of the wall. 他纵身从墙头上跳下。
The ape swung itself from bough to bough. 猿从一条树枝荡到另一条树枝。
8. 使剧变,使大变;使改变态度(或立场、情绪等)
They are hoping to swing the voters in their favour. 他们希望把选民拉过来投他们的票。
swing a bat-hater from fear and disgust to avid interest 使憎恶蝙蝠的人从恐惧和厌恶变为对之产生浓厚的兴趣
9. 决定性地影响;成功地处置,对付
Will the labour vote swing the election? 支持工党的选票会左右选举吗?
I hope he can swing the deal. 我希望他能做成这笔交易。
Is he man enough to swing the job? 他有足够的大丈夫气概去操办这项工作吗?
He wasn't able to swing a new car on his income. 他凭这点收入用不起新汽车。
How are they going to swing the high cost of higher education? 他们打算怎样解决高等教育昂贵的费用问题?
10. 以强劲的节奏演奏(或演唱)
swing a folk song 以强劲的节奏演唱一首民歌
11. (投球手)(侧飞球)

II n.
1. (下垂物等的)摆动,摇摆,摆荡
the swing of the door 门的转动
She walked like a model, with an exaggerated swing of the hips. 她走起路来像个时装模特儿,过分地把臀部扭来扭去。
2. 摆程;振幅;(得分、所得选票等领先与落后间的)变动幅度
The pendulum's swing is 12 inches. 这个钟摆的摆程是12英寸。
3. (武器、球棒、手臂等的)挥舞(方式),挥动(方式);挥击(方式)(拳击中的)摆拳
with an impatient swing of one's arm 不耐烦地一挥手
He brought his axe down with a mighty swing. 他猛力一挥,把斧头往下劈去。
a batter with a powerful swing 挥击凶狠有力的击球员
Most golfers would like to improve their swing. 大多数打高尔夫球的人希望改进自己的挥棒方式。
I took a swing at him, and he punched me hard in the stomach. 我朝他挥手一击,而他在我肚子上重重地打了一拳。
4. 美口行动的自由,自由行动的范围;(对能力、情感等的)不加抑制
be given full swing in the matter 被全面授权处理此事
His genius has full swing. 他的天才得到充分的发挥。
give free swing to one's temper 大发雷霆
5. 轻快而有节奏的步态(或动作)
He walked down the street with a swing. 他步子轻快而有节奏地沿街走去。
He dismounted with an easy swing. 他轻轻一纵,跳下了马。
6. (两人手拉手或手挽手的)旋转舞;中速爵士舞
7. 来回推进,来回运动;交替
the swing of the tides 潮汐的涨落
the sun's annual swing north and south 太阳一年一度的南北向运动
Capitalist countries have been subject to periodic swings of prosperity and depression. 资本主义国家的经济一直周期性地时而繁荣,时而萧条。
8. 剧变,大变;(态度、立场、情绪、习惯等的)改变;(民意测验中对政党等的)支持率变化
a swing in public opinion 舆论的逆转
the swing to diesels on railways 铁路上的改用柴油机车
constant swings of fashion in women's clothing 妇女服装式样的不断变化
a swing in prices 物价的波动
9. (摆动物等的)冲力;猛冲;猛冲的速度
the swing of a battering ram against a wall 攻城槌对城墙的冲力
a train approaching at full swing 全速驶来的列车
10. (音乐、诗歌等的)强劲节奏;强节奏爵士音乐
The music should be played with a swing. 这乐曲应该用强劲的节奏来演奏。
This song has a swing. 这支歌曲调铿锵有力。
11. 秋千;荡秋千
play on a swing 荡秋千
have a swing 荡一会儿秋千
12. 竞选旅行;在多处逗留的旅行
a swing around the country 巡回全国的旅行
13. (鞋底等的)曲线形轮廓
14. 侧飞球
15. 工休期;工休制;休假期
16. (表示电流量或电压增减的)摆动;最大摆动差
17. (桥牌中双方之间的)大输赢

III a.
1. (门等)可旋动的
2. 可悬挂的
a swing lamp 吊灯
3. 强节奏爵士音乐的;演奏强节奏爵士音乐的
a swing fan 强节奏爵士音乐迷
a swing tune 强节奏爵士音乐曲调
a swing musician 强节奏爵士乐乐师
4. (在选举等中)有决定性影响的
a swing state 选举中起决定性影响的州
[<OE swingan to beat, fling oneself, rush; 与 Ger schwingen to brandish 有关]
phr. a swing around (或 round) the circle (总统候选人等的)竞选旅行
get into the swing of 1. 积极投入(工作)
get into the swing of working after a vacation 假期过后又积极投入工作
2. (工作等)开始熟悉,对…入门
You'll be able to do the job quite quickly when you get into the swing of it. 这项工作你入门后就会干得很快的。
It'll take you a couple of days to get into the swing of things. 你得花两三天时间才能熟悉情况。
go with a swing 1. (音乐)有强劲的节奏
music that goes with a swing 节奏强劲的音乐
2. 英口(文娱节目、有组织的活动等)进行顺利,搞得成功
The party went with a swing. 舞会开得很成功。
in full swing 正在全力进行中;(聚会、有组织的活动等)正在十分热烈(或活跃)地进行中;正处于全盛时期
The building project is in full swing. 这项建筑工程正在全力进行中。
It began to rain when the garden party was in full swing. 游园会正开得起劲时,天下起雨来。
The city's free market is in full swing. 这个城市的自由市场十分兴旺。
swing it 用强劲的节奏演奏爵士乐
swing it on (或 across) sb. 跟某人算账,向某人报仇
swing Kelly (或 Douglas) 澳俚挥动斧头,用斧头砍
swings and roundabouts 有所得也有所失的情况
swing the lead 见 lead²
the swing of the pendulum 1. 钟摆的摆动(或摆程)
2. 舆论的剧变;政党间的交替执政
What you lose on the swings you gain(或 make) on the roundabouts. 失之东隅,收之桑榆。




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