

单词 sway
释义 sway /sweɪ/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I vi.
1. 摇摆;摆动
a tree swaying gently in the breeze 在微风中轻轻摇曳的树
She swayed and fell in a faint. 她摇晃了一下晕倒了。
2. (或转)向一边;歪,倾斜
He swayed over and actually leaned his head on her shoulder. 他身子一歪,竟把头完全靠在她肩上。
The earthquake caused the wall to sway to the left. 地震使墙向左倾斜。
3. 改变看法(或主意等);动摇;摇摆不定
We are not going to sway from what we have decided. 我们对已经决定了的事不准备改变主意。
His resolution never sways. 他的决心从不动摇。
sway between hopes and fears 时而抱有希望时而产生恐惧
4. 起支配作用;处于统治地位;做统治者
That was the motive that swayed with him. 那就是支配他的动机。
1. 使摇摆;使摆动
She swayed her head from side to side with worry. 她忧心忡忡地频频摇头。
Wind swayed the curtains. 风吹动窗帘。
2. 使弯(或转)向一边;弄歪,使倾斜
The pillars were swayed three inches by the blast. 这些柱子被冲击波震歪了3英寸。
The weight of the load swayed the boat to the left. 负载的重量使船侧向左边。
3. 使改变看法(或主意等);使动摇
We should not be swayed by that experience. 我们不应因经历了那件事而改变主意。
Nothing could sway her once she had made up her mind. 她一旦打定了主意,什么也动摇不了她。
4. 使倾向一方;影响,支配(人、思想、情绪等)
try to sway an election with bribery 企图用贿赂影响选举
Do not be swayed by glamorous advertisements. 不要为富有迷惑力的广告所左右。
5. (作为君主)统治
He sways a fifth of mankind. 他统治着五分之一的人类。
6. 挥动;挥舞(武器)
sway the scepter 挥动君主节杖

II n.
1. 摇摆,摆动;摇晃,摇动
The sway of the coach lulled her to sleep. 长途公共汽车的晃摇使她睡着了。
The sway of the ship made him fall over. 船的晃动把他摔倒了。
2. 转变方向;歪斜,倾斜
3. 起支配作用的影响;势力,权势;统治;统治地位,优势
The personal element should have little sway in determining the limits of legislative power. 个人因素在决定立法权限时不应起支配作用。
change one's mind under the sway of sb.'s argument 在某人论证的影响下改变主意
diminish the sway of a political party 削弱一个政党的势力
The region was under the sway of the superpowers. 这个地区受超级大国的支配。
The old tradition soon resumed its sway. 旧传统很快又恢复了统治地位。
[<ME sweye to go, sink<? ON sveigia to bend; 与 D zwaaien, LG swājen 有关]
phr. hold sway 占统治地位;有支配力量
Government troops hold sway only in cities and towns. 政府军只控制了城市和市镇。
The beliefs which now hold sway may one day be rejected. 现在占主导地位的许多看法有朝一日可能会被抛弃。
sway up 扯起(桅杆、帆桁等)




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