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sus·tain /səˈsteɪn/ vt. | n. I vt. 1. 支撑;承受(压力或重量);承担(费用等) The foundations were not strong enough to sustain the weight of the house. 地基不够牢固,承受不住房子的重量。 Our financial base is stable enough to sustain the extra expenses. 我们的经济实力已相当稳固,足以承担这些额外的开支。 2. 支援;救济 3. 支持,给…以力量(或勇气、信心);激励,使振作 An unshakable faith sustained me. 一种不可动摇的信念支持着我。 4. 保持;使(声音、努力等)持续不息 sustain public interest 保持公众的兴趣 sustain the quality of the products 保持产品的质量 be too fatigued to sustain a long conversation 过于疲劳而不能作长时间的谈话 5. 赡养,供养;为…提供食物(或生计);维持(生命等) sustain a family 养家 sustain oneself with herbs 靠野菜维持生命 The villagers along the coast are sustained by the fishing trade. 沿海的村民靠渔业为生。 6. 忍受;经受住 sustain hardships 忍受艰苦 sustain the shock of the enemy's attack 经受住敌人突然的猛攻 He will not sustain comparison with her. 他经不起和她相比。 7. 遭受;蒙受 sustain a defeat 遭受失败 sustain a loss 蒙受损失 He sustained a foot injury. 他足部受了伤。 8. (法院等)确认…为正当(或正确),认可;准许 sustain an applicant in his claim 确认申请人的要求正当 The court sustained the motion. 法庭准许这一动议。 9. 证明,证实 The facts sustain his theory. 事实可以证明他的理论。 10. 扮演(角色);充分表演(人物)
II n. 【音】延音 [OFr < L sustinēre to hold up < SUS- + tenere to hold] |