

单词 surprise
释义 sur·prise /səˈpraɪz/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | int. | phr.
I vt.
1. 使惊奇,使诧异,使感到意外;使震惊,使产生反感
be pleasantly surprised 感到惊喜
I was exceedingly surprised with a man's footprint on the shore. 我对一个男子在海滩上留下的脚印感到非常意外。
I was surprised at seeing (或 to see) him there. 我真没想到会在那里见到他。
We are surprised that he lost the game. 我们对他在比赛中的失败感到惊异。
I shouldn't be surprised if it rained this afternoon. 我看今天下午多半会下雨。
I am surprised at you (或 your behaviour). 我对你的行为感到震惊。
2. 撞见;正巧发现;当场捉住
He had not long ago, by accident, surprised his daughter and her boyfriend kissing. 前不久,他曾偶然撞见女儿和她的男朋友在接吻。
She surprised the secret of his murderous past through a stolen letter. 她从偷来的一封信中意外地发现了他从前杀过人的秘密。
3. 出其不意地攻击(或攻占);使措手不及
The enemy troops, surprised in their sleep, were disarmed. 敌军在睡梦中措手不及,被缴了械。
4. 出其不意地使(某人)(某事) (into)
surprise sb. into (giving) consent 用出其不意的办法使某人同意
surprise sb. into telling the truth 用出其不意的办法使某人吐露实情
5. 以出其不意的行动发现
surprise the truth of the matter from sb. 以出其不意的方式从某人那儿了解到事情的真相
6. 强占;俘虏,俘获
They wanted to surprise me, but I don't surprise so easy. 他们想要使我大吃一惊,但我不那么容易吃惊。

II n.
1. 惊奇,诧异
She asked in surprise if he had really read all the books. 她惊诧地问他是否真的读过所有这些书。
To my surprise, he failed to turn up. 使我惊奇的是他没有露面。
2. 令人惊奇的事物;意想不到的事物(如消息、礼物等)
The whole thing is a great surprise to us. 整个事情使我们感到十分惊奇。
This fact came as quite a surprise to me. 这一事实完全出乎我的意料。
Life is a series of surprises. 人生即一连串意想不到的事情。
I have a surprise for you. 我有一件你想不到的事(或消息)要告诉你。(或:我有一件你想不到的礼物要送给你。)
I bought her a watch. Do you think she will like her surprise? 我给她买了一块表。你看她会喜欢这件意想不到的礼物吗?
3. 突然袭击;出人意表,攻其不备
The truth must be elicited from the culprit by surprise. 要罪犯吐露实情必须用出其不意的办法。
The Germans had achieved surprise in the initial stage of the war. 德军在战争初期曾经出奇制胜。
be determined to attempt a surprise 决心试用出其不意攻其不备的一招

III a.
a surprise attack (decision, visit) 出人意料的突然袭击(决定,访问)

IV int.
[OFr < surprendere to overtake < SUR-¹ + prendre < L prehendere to grasp]
phr. catch by surprise 使吃惊,使诧异,使感到意外
take by surprise 1. 出其不意地攻占(或俘获);乘人不备地把…逮个正着;突然出现在…面前;使措手不及
The fort was taken by surprise. 要塞被奇袭攻占了。
The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window. 正当撬窃贼把窗打开时,警察冷不防逮住了他。
We took the wild animals by surprise and hunting them was easy. 我们冷不防地来到野兽跟前,因而捕捉它们很容易。
When Mrs. Green's dinner guests came half an hour early, they took her by surprise. 参加格林夫人宴会的宾客早到了半小时,弄得她手忙脚乱。
2. 使吃惊,使诧异,使感到意外
The question took me by surprise. 这问题使我颇感意外(或吃惊)
the surprise of one's life (或 lifetime) 一生中最吃惊的事
You'd be surprised. [常用作反驳]情况(或事实)并非你所想。




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