

单词 surge
释义 surge /sɜːdʒ/ vi. | vt. | n.
I vi.
1. (船等)起伏;颠簸
2. (浪涛等)汹涌;奔腾
The floods surged over the valley. 洪水奔腾着涌过山谷。
3. 浪涛般汹涌奔腾;浪涛般轰鸣
Thousands of striking workers surged through the city. 成千上万的罢工工人蜂拥着穿过这座城市。
Dense smoke surged from the burning house. 浓烟从燃烧着的房子滚滚冒出。
Many questions surged through my mind. 许多问题在我的脑海中翻腾。
Anger surged (up) within him. 他怒火中烧。
Relief surged over her. 她感到满心宽慰。
The music of the organ surged through the church. 风琴奏出的乐声在教堂里回荡。
4. 猛冲;急剧上升;激增
All cheered as the winner surged past the post. 当优胜者冲过终点标杆时,大家高声欢呼。
The ship gathered way and surged forward. 船加快速度破浪疾驶。
The elevator surged smoothly skyward. 电梯迅速而平稳地上升。
Oil price has surged 40 percent in the past year. 原油价格一年来猛涨了40%。
The money supply for the week has surged by some $4 billion. 本星期货币供应猛增了约40亿元。
5. 浪涌
6. (尤指绕在绞盘上的缆索或锚链)突然松开,突然滑脱
1. 使汹涌奔腾;使波浪般涌升(或落下)
The car surges you to sixty in eleven seconds. 这汽车能在11秒钟内使时速达60英里。
2. 突然松开(缆索或锚链)
surge a hawser to prevent its parting 放松缆绳以防断裂

II n.
1. 巨浪;波涛;波涛引起的水位上升
2. (波涛的)汹涌;奔腾
the surge of the sea 海浪的奔腾
3. 波涛般的事物;波涛般的汹涌奔腾;浪涛般的轰鸣声
the surge of the mob through the streets 暴民的蜂拥过街
a sudden surge of dense smoke 浓烟的突然滚滚冒出
feel a surge of panic 感到一阵惊慌
the surge of the trumpets 阵阵嘹亮的号声
4. 急剧上升;激增
a surge in one's popularity 声望的迅速提高
a surge in demand (population) 需求(人口)的激增
5. 浪涌;冲击压力;波动
6. (缆索、锚链的)松开,滑脱;(缆索、锚链被松开或滑脱时产生的)振动;(船在浪中的)前后摇
7. 绞盘腰部
[< OFr sourgeon spring < L surgere to rise < SUR-¹ + regere to lead]




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