

单词 surface
释义 sur·face /ˈsɜːfɪs/ n. | a. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 表面;面
sand down the damaged surface 用砂纸把损坏的表面磨光
marks on the surface of the table 桌面上的斑痕
Three-quarters of the world's surface is covered by water. 地球表面的四分之三覆盖着水。
A cube has six surfaces. 立方体有6个面。
2. 地面;水面;液体面层
The submarine rose to the surface. 潜艇露出水面。
A gentle breeze rippled the surface of the sea. 微风吹皱了海面。
3. 表面,面层;外表,外观
Another scene floated up to the surface of my mind. 又一幕情景浮上我的脑海。
Violence was never far from the surface in the concentration camp. 集中营里随时会发生暴力行为。
look below (或 beneath) the surface of things 透过表面观察事物
One never gets below the surface with him. 人们无法看透他的内心。
4. (机翼等提供升力、支承或稳性的)平面,面

II a.
1. 表面的
the surface temperature of the sun 太阳的表面温度
a surface wound 表皮伤
2. 地面上的;水面上的;(邮件或公交运输)水陆路的
the surface workers at a coal mine 煤矿的井上工人
a surface ship (与潜水艇相对而言的)水面舰船
a surface letter 平信
a surface parcel 平邮包裹
surface transportation (与地下或空中运输相对而言的)水陆路运输
3. 表面上的,外表上的,外观的
In spite of her surface calm, she felt uneasy. 尽管她表面上镇静,心里却感到惴惴不安。
the surface motive 表面上的动机
4. 表层的
surface grammar 表层语法

III vt.
1. 对…进行表面处理;刨平;使光滑;在…上加面层
surface a highway 给公路铺路面
2. 使升到地面(或水面等)
The two artesian wells surface more than 6000 gallons of water a minute. 这两口自流井每分钟可把6000多加仑的水提升到地面。
The ship was stopped by a surfaced submarine. 这条船被一艘浮出水面的潜水艇拦住。
3. 使公开化;揭露,暴露
surface one's request 公开提出要求
surface a scandal to embarrass one's adversary 揭露丑事以使对手困窘
1. 升到地面(或水面等)
The line of the subway surfaces after three miles. 这条地铁线3英里后上升到地面。
The fish surfaced and jumped. 鱼浮出水面跳跃。
2. 在地面上(或近地面处)工作;在近地面处开矿
3. (人在睡眠等后)变得清醒;变得警觉
4. 浮现;出现;显露,显现;公开化;被揭露;(人或事物在隐居或隐藏一段时间后)为公众所知
A thought surfaced in his mind. 他的脑海里出现了一个想法。
In May 1980 he fled Turkey and next surfaced in Italy. 1980年5月他逃离土耳其,接着在意大利露面。
The reports of the killing of the student soon surfaced in the press. 杀害那学生的报道很快就见诸报端。
His mechanical aptitudes surfaced early in many ways. 他在机械方面的才能早年就在多方面显示出来。
Suddenly her anger surfaced. 她的怒气突然冒了出来。
The dispute is sure to surface again. 争论肯定会再起。
If we try him, all the facts they want to cover up will surface. 如果我们对他进行审讯,他们想掩盖的事实就会全部暴露。
Another use of platinum has surfaced. 白金的又一种用途已被发现。
[Fr;? 仿 superficies]
phr. come to the surface 显露;表面化
Their bitterness is now coming to the surface. 他们的怨愤现在正日趋表面化。
of the surface [用作表语]表面上,外表上
His politeness is only of the surface. 他只是表面上客气。
on the surface 1. = of the surface
2. 在表面上,在外表上
He behaved — at least on the surface — like a normal person. 他的一举一动至少在表面上像一个正常人。
scratch the surface 触及表面
These remarks hardly scratch the surface of the question. 这些话连问题的表面也没有触及。
After two years, the company had barely scratched the surface in obtaining the necessary permits. 时经两年,这家公司在获得必要的许可方面还只开了个头。
High school students have only scratched the surface of their subjects. 中学生所学到的学科知识还只是一些皮毛而已。




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