sup·po·si·tion /ˌsʌpəˈzɪʃən/ n. 1. 假定;推测 a policy based on the supposition of continued peace 以持续和平的设想为基础的政策 That he resigned on political grounds is a not very unreasonable supposition. 说他是因政治原因而辞职也并非臆测。 2. 看法,见解 3. 冒充,假冒;篡改 4. 靠不住,成问题;有待探讨 He is sufficient, yet his means are in supposition. 他有能力,可他的方法还有待商榷。 [OFr < L suppositio a placing under, substitution < ML (译自 Gr hupothesis hypothesis) < L suppōnere to substitute]