

单词 suit
释义 suit /sjuːt; suːt/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. (一套)衣服
a man's (woman's) suit 一套男(女)
a striped suit 一套条子衣服
2. [常用以构成复合词](特种用途的)全套衣装
They dived down in special suits to walk on the bed of the sea. 他们身穿特殊的衣装潜入海底行走。
3. 套;组;副
a suit of clothes (sails) 一套衣服(篷帆)
a suit of armour 一副盔甲
4. (一副纸牌、麻将牌或西洋骨牌等中)所有花色(或名称、符号、点子)相同的牌;(打牌时)手中持有的同花色(或名称、符号、点子)的一组牌
a 5-card suit 5张同花色的一组牌
5. 讼案;诉讼;起诉,控告
the plaintiff in the suit 诉讼案件中的原告
a civil (criminal) suit 民事(刑事)诉讼
The company entered a legal suit against the government. 这家公司对政府提出了控告。
6. 恳求,请求;请愿,呼吁
7. 求婚
pay suit to 向…求婚
prosper in one's suit 求婚成功
8. (封臣在朝廷或封建主宅第的)朝见;朝见的义务
9. 一致,协调
manual strength in suit with the ferocity of one's manners 和凶狠的样子相称的体力
out of suits with fortune 时运不济的
10. (组织中的)高级管理人员
11. (一批)扈从
In his suit was a young gentleman. 在他的随从人员中有一位年轻绅士。

II vt.
1. 适合;适宜于
This house suits our requirements. 这所房子符合我们的要求。
A cold climate suits wheat. 寒冷的气候适宜于种小麦。
Asparagus does not suit me. 我吃了芦笋总感到不舒服。
2. 使适合,使适应,使适宜 (to)
We can suit the building to your specifications. 我们可以把房子建造得符合你的规格。
suit the punishment to the crime 使罪罚相当
He is not suited to be an engineer. 他不适宜当工程师。
3. 中…的意;使感到满意(或方便);合乎…的要求(或利益)
I was in love with Harry, but he didn't suit my mother. 我爱上了哈里,可是我妈不中意。
Any time will suit me. 我什么时候都行。
It suits me to put up with him. 容忍他对我有利。
4. 供给…(一套)衣服,使穿上套装
1. 合适;令人满意
Will that date suit? 那个日期合适吗?
These prices don't suit. 这些价格定得不适当。
2. 相称,相当 (with)
The position suits with his abilities. 这个职位和他的能力相称。
3. 相一致,协调 (to, with)
[< OFr sieute set of things < sivre to follow; 与 suite 有关]
phr. bring (a) suit 起诉
file a suit 起诉
follow suit 跟出同花色的牌;学样,跟着做,照着做
plead one's suit 恳切地求婚
press one's suit 迫切地求婚
put on the suit 美俚穿上军装当兵
suit oneself 随自己的意愿行事,自便
Please suit yourself. 请自便好了。
suit sb.'s book 见 book
suit sb. down to the ground 对某人来说非常适合(或方便)
suit the action to the word 见 action
suit up (给…)穿上特种用途的全套衣装(如宇航服等)
The football players are suiting up in the field house. 橄榄球队员们正在更衣室里穿运动服。
He was suited up and combed down for his Congressional appearance. 他已穿戴齐整并修饰一新,准备出席国会。




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