

单词 suck
释义 suck /sʌk/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 吸食,吮吸,咂,啜;含在嘴里舔吃
A large mosquito was sucking blood from the back of her hand. 一只大蚊子正叮在她的手背吸血。
The baby was sucking milk from its mother's breast. 婴儿正在吃妈妈的奶。
Can beer be sucked through a straw? 啤酒能用麦管吸着喝吗?
suck a piece of candy 含着一块糖在吃
2. 吸食…的液汁
suck an orange 吸食橘子里的汁水
suck the mother (或 the breast) 吃母乳
3. 吸,抽吸
suck air into the lungs 把空气吸进肺里
The pumps soon sucked the water out of the hold. 水泵很快就把舱里的水抽掉了。
4. 吸收,吸取(知识等);获得(利益等)
5. 用嘴刺激(生殖器);对(人或人的生殖器)行口淫
6. 使卷入,吸引;吞没
be sucked into an intrigue (war, deception) 被卷入一个阴谋(一场战争,一个骗局)
These workers, mostly from the poor South, were sucked northward during the industrial boom. 这些工人大多来自贫苦的南部地区,在工业兴盛期被吸引到了北方。
The boat was sucked (down) into the whirlpool. 船被旋涡吞没了。
We were able to pass him a rope before the bog sucked him under. 我们终于得以在泥沼把他吞没前把一根绳子扔给他。
7. 使耗尽,使枯竭
a body sucked and wasted by disease 病得枯槁消瘦的身子
The cold sucked the last warmth and strength out of him. 寒冷夺走了他身上最后一丝的暖气和力量。
1. 吸食,吮吸;吸奶
suck at the tea 啜茶
The baby was sucking away at the feeding-bottle. 婴孩一个劲儿地在吸奶瓶。
suck on the end of a pencil 把铅笔头放在嘴里吮吸
suck on a tablet 含服药片
2. 吸,抽吸
suck deeply on (或 at) a cigarette 用劲深吸纸烟
The wind sucked at the chimney. 风抽吸着烟囱。
The sea sucked at the white sands of the beach. 海水吞蚀着海滩上白色的沙子。
3. 发出吮吸声;(水泵等)空抽
His pipe sucked hollowly. 他的烟斗发出扑哧扑哧的空吸声。
4. 巴结,奉承
5. 美口显得糟糕;令人极不愉快,令人讨厌

II n.
1. 吸食,吮吸;吸奶
a child at suck 吃奶的孩子
2. 吸,抽吸
3. 吮吸力,抽吸力;吮吸声,抽吸声
the strong suck of the whirlpool 旋涡的强大吸力
4. 被吮吸(或抽吸)的东西
5. (吮吸的)一口,一啜,一嘬
have (或 take) a suck at a bottle 对着瓶子吸一口
6. 旋涡
7. [常作 sucks][用以表示感叹]令人失望的事物,叫人瞧不起的事物
This kid's in our regiment, so sucks! 这孩子是我们团里的,多丢人哪!
8. 巴结人的人,马屁精(尤指拍教师马屁的学生)
9. = fellatio
10. 加拿大俚无用的人,卑贱的人
[< OE sūcan; 与 OHG sūgan to suck, L sugere, Gr huein to rain 有关]
phr. give suck to 给…喂奶,给…哺乳
suck around 讨好地围着…转
suck dry 1. 吸干,吮干
suck an orange dry 吸干橘子里的汁
2. 使耗尽,使枯竭
a tendency to be over-explicit, to suck every line dry of its meaning 一种说得过分清楚亦即把每一行的意思都说得一览无遗的倾向
suck in 1. 吸入;吸收,吸取
suck air in between one's teeth 从牙缝间吸气
suck in a quick breath 嗖地吸一口气
suck in knowledge 吸收知识
2. 使卷入,吸引;把…吞没
For years he had wanted solitude. Now the camaraderie of the Union was sucking him in. 多年来他宁可独来独往,如今工会的同志情谊正在吸引着他。
3. 收缩
suck in the stomach 收腹
The cheeks of the trumpeters sucked in and out. 号手们的两颊一收一鼓。
4. 欺骗,作弄
The uneducated farmer was sucked in by a clever crook. 那不识字的农民被一个狡猾的骗子作弄了。
suck it up 美口忍住艰辛
suck off1. 巴结,奉承
2. 对…行口淫;用口淫方式使(某人)达到性欲高潮
suck round = suck around
Plants suck up moisture from the soil. 植物吸收土壤中的水分。
suck up 30cc of acid into a tube 把30cc酸吸入试管
suck up to 巴结,奉承
suck up to one's teacher 巴结自己的老师
He hates being sucked up to. 他讨厌别人奉承他。
What a suck! (或: Sucks to you! Yah boo sucks!)
1. [用以表示厌恶或失望](你)真叫人讨厌(或失望)
“What a suck!” she said, tossing her head so her pigtails swung.“讨厌!”她边说边把头一甩,两条辫子随着晃动起来。
2. [用以表示轻蔑或嘲笑](你)这副狼狈相!




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