

单词 succession
释义 suc·ces·sion /səkˈseʃən/ n. | phr.
1. 连续,接续;接连发生
the succession of seasons 四季的交替
the succession of crops 庄稼的轮作
2. (前后相接的)一系列,一连串
a succession of defeats 一连串的失败
a long succession of wet days 长时期接连不断的阴雨天
The worst misfortune that befell her was to bear a succession of girls. 她摊上的最倒霉的事就是一连生了好几个女儿。
A succession of one-man stalls offered soft drinks. 一长列个人经营的小摊供应各种软饮料。
3. 接替,继任;继承;继承权;接替(或继承)顺序
exclude sb. from the succession to an office (estate) 不让某人继任一个职务(继承一笔产业)
His succession as headmaster was not in any doubt. 他接任校长是毫无疑问的。
give up one's succession rights 放弃继承权
The eldest son has succession to his father's property. 长子对父亲的财产有继承权。
The succession must not be broken. 按部就班的顺序不可打破。
4. 一个个后继者(或继承人)
have no antecedent and no succession 前无古人后无来者
5. 演替
6. (地层的)次序,生长顺序
phr. in quick (或 rapid) succession 紧接的(地);一连串的(地)
visits in quick succession 紧接着的几次访问
His words came out in rapid succession. 他的话连珠炮似地说了出来。
in succession 连续的(地),接连的(地)
He has been awarded first prize (for) three years in succession. 他已连续3年获得一等奖。
in succession to 接替…的(地);继承…的(地)
He was appointed director of the club in succession to Jones who had retired. 他被任命接替退休的琼斯担任俱乐部主任。
settle the succession 解决接替者(或继承人)问题




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