释义 |
suc·ceed /səkˈsiːd/ vi. | vt. | phr. ❶ vi. 1. 成功,办妥,做成;获得成效,达到目的 His plan succeeded. 他的计划成功了。 He succeeded at his profession. 他在事业上获得了成功。 I succeeded in getting the job. 我谋到了那份工作。 Methods of treatment that succeed with one person may not succeed with another. 在一个人身上有效的治疗方法在另一人身上可能并不奏效。 She tried to smile but did not succeed. 她想笑一笑,但笑不出来。 Grass will not succeed in this dry soil. 在这种干燥的土壤中草不会成活。 Do you think their marriage will succeed? 你认为他俩的婚姻会美满吗? 2. 发迹;兴旺 succeed in life 在人生道路上发迹 a country aspiring to succeed in the modern technological world 在现代技术发达的世界上争取发展的国家 He's too nice to succeed in business. 他为人太忠厚,以至生意上难以兴旺发达。 3. 接着发生;接续,接连(to) The silence of death succeeded to the noises and music of the feast. 酒宴上的喧闹声和音乐声之后是死的寂静。 One idea succeeded to another with a rush. 主意一个接着一个涌现出来。 Day succeeds to day. 日复一日。 4. 继任;继承(to) Elizabeth succeeded to the throne in 1952. 伊丽莎白于1952年继承了王位。 The vice-president would succeed upon the death of the president. 总统死亡将由副总统接任。 He has succeeded to his father's estate. 他继承了父亲的产业。 5. 〈废〉遗留,被继承(to) His estate succeeded to his heirs. 他的产业由他的子嗣继承。 ❷ vt. 1. 接在…后面,继…之后,接续 The temple succeeded a frame house. 庙宇紧接在一座木屋之后。 A silence succeeded his words. 他的话说完后便是一片静默。 The dry weather was succeeded by a month of rain. 干旱天气以后接下来是1个月的降雨。 2. 接替;继承 Who'll succeed him as our teacher? 谁来接替他教我们? The king's eldest son succeeded his father on the throne. 国王的长子继承了父亲的王位。 [< L succēdere to go after, go near to < SUC-: up, near + cēdere to go] phr. Nothing succeeds like success. 见 nothing |