

单词 straw
释义 straw /strɔː/ n. | a. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. (谷类作物的)禾秆;稻草;麦秆;(用于编织的)天然(或人造)纤维
be made of straw 用稻草做的
They make the roofs out of straw. 他们用稻草铺屋顶。
The glasses were packed in straw. 那些玻璃杯是用稻草包装的。
There's a straw in your hair. 你的头发里有一根稻草。
2. (喝饮料用的)麦秆吸管,麦管(现通常改用纸或塑料制)
drink lemonade through a straw 用麦管吸柠檬汽水
a bottle with a straw 一只插有麦管的瓶子
3. 稻草(或麦秆)编织品;草帽
flower laden straws 插满花的草帽
4. 无价值的东西;鸡毛蒜皮;救命稻草,帮不了忙的东西;细微的迹象,显露的苗头;一点点
Their offer isn't worth a straw. 他们的提议毫无价值。
not care a straw (或 two straws) 毫不在乎
It doesn't matter a straw. 一点儿也不要紧。
a straw of hope 一线希望
5. 用以作掩护的人,被用作挡箭牌的人
He used a lawyer as the straw. 他利用律师做挡箭牌。
6. 稻草(或麦秆)色,浅黄色

II a.
1. 禾秆的;稻草(或麦秆)的;用稻草(或麦秆)制的
a straw basket 草篮
a straw barn 禾秆仓
a roll of yellow straw paper for the toilet 一卷黄色的草制卫生纸
2. 稻草(或麦秆)色的,浅黄色的
straw hair 浅黄色的头发
3. 无价值的,无意义的,无足轻重的
4. 稻草人般的;(对方论点等)假想的;用以作掩护的
5. (投票)假的,仅为测试民意而进行的;(关于)假投票结果的
If the straw ballots are accurate, the Labour candidates may draw as many as 400,000 votes. 如果假投票结果是准确的话,工党候选人有可能获得40万票之多。

III vt.
= strew
[< OE strēaw; 与 OHG strō, OE strewian to strew 有关]
phr. a straw in the wind = straws in the wind
A straw shows which way the wind blows.草动见风向。(或:见微知著。)
catch (或 clutch, grab, grasp, seize, snatch) at a straw (或 straws) (落水者) 捞救命稻草; (为求脱离危境等)作最后的绝望挣扎
In these critical times, most people will snatch at any straw. 在这等危急关头,多数人都会抓住任何机会作一番最后挣扎的。
He was clutching at straws when he took his dying wife to another doctor. 他把奄奄一息的妻子带去看另一位医生,那是在把死马当活马医。
draw straws (或 a straw) 1. (用长短不同的麦秆)抽签
draw the lucky straw 抽到上上签
2. (眼睛) 困得睁不开
draw the short straw 成为一伙中最倒霉的人
in the straw 在分娩,在坐蓐
make bricks without straw 见 brick
not give a straw (或two straws) 毫不在乎
One's eyes draw (或 gather, pick) straws. 见 eye
out of the straw 分娩后复元
split straws 为细小的分歧而争吵
straws in the wind 主英(预示某事即将发生的)迹象,预兆,苗头
There are straws in the wind indicating that peace is around the corner. 有种种迹象表明和平即将来临。
Certain significant straws in the wind were noticed by him. 他注意到了某些重要的动向。
the (last 或 final)straw (that broke the camel's back) (一系列打击、不快事件等中)最终使人无法忍受的事;终于导致垮台 (或失败等)的因素
The last of these rows seems to have been the final straw. 这最后一场口角看来成了彻底破裂的导火线。
The hotel was expensive, the food poor, and the bad weather was the last straw. 旅馆收费太贵,伙食极差,而恶劣的天气更是使人怎么也无法忍受了。
throw straws against the wind 扔草抵风,螳臂当车




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