

单词 strap
释义 strap /stræp/ n. | vt. | vi.
I n.
1. 带,带条;皮带;布带;铁皮条,金属带;铰链片
silk straps 丝带
Fasten the straps round the case. 用带子把箱子捆牢。
I unstrapped the straps, and opened the case. 我解开箱带,打开箱子。
2. = shoulder strap
3. 襻;搭扣鞋
4. 磨剃刀的皮带,革砥
5. (公共车辆上供站着的乘客用的)拉手吊带,拉手吊环
6. 皮鞭; [the strap] 鞭打
He gave us both the strap. 他把我们两人都鞭打了一顿。
7. 固夹带;吊货套索
8. 橡皮膏
9. (小花的)叶舌
10. 信用
11. 爱尔兰轻佻女人;娼妓
12. = strap-line

II (strapped; strap·ping)

1. 用带扣住;束牢;捆扎
strap up a suitcase 用箱带扣住手提箱
Strap yourselves in. 系好安全带。
strap on one's watch 用表带扣住手表。
He strapped a bag onto his back. 他把一只包捆在背上。
Suitcases were strapped down atop the coach. 手提箱被捆扎在长途汽车车顶上。
The two pieces of luggage were strapped together. 两件行李被捆扎在一起。
2. 用绷带包扎(伤口);用橡皮膏粘贴(伤口)
You'll have to keep your leg strapped up until the wound is completely better. 你一定要把你的腿包扎起来直至伤口完全好转。
3. 约束,束缚
a decent man strapped by dogma 受教条束缚的正派人
4. 用皮鞭抽打,鞭打
He strapped the boy with a leather belt. 他用皮带抽打那个男孩。
5. 在革砥上磨(剃刀)
6. 使极端缺乏;使供应不足
1. 精力旺盛地工作
2. 被捆,受缚
Snug as a foot in a shoe, the pilot straps into his sailplane. 飞行员像伸足入履一样舒适地缚在滑翔机中。
[strop 的方言变体]




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