释义 |
strain² /streɪn/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 拉紧;张紧;绷紧 strain a rope 拉紧绳子 If you strain the elastic any more, it will break. 橡皮筋再拉就要断了。 strain the bandage over the wound 用绷带紧扎住伤口 2. 尽力使用;使紧张 He strained every muscle to lift the rock. 他奋力把石头提起。 strain an ear to hear what they were saying 竖起耳朵听他们在说些什么 strain one's eyes 瞪大眼睛看 strain one's voice 扯着嗓门叫 She strained out a smile. 她强露出笑容。 Government resources are already strained to the limit. 政府资源已紧张到了极点。 He renounced Christianity, temporarily straining his relationship with his parents. 他放弃了基督教信仰,从而与父母的关系暂时变得紧张。 3. 使过劳;(因受力或用力过度等而)使损伤,使损坏,使变弱 He strained his Achilles tendon at the last tournament. 他在上次比赛中扭伤了跟腱。 He strained his heart by overwork. 他因过度劳累而使心脏负担过重。 You'll strain your eyes by reading in such a poor light. 你在这样微弱的光线下看书会弄坏眼睛的。 The wind strained the roof. 劲风吹坏了屋顶。 4. 过多使用,滥用;过多要求(或指望);曲解,歪曲 strain one's authority (或 powers) 滥用权力 strain one's credit (luck) 过分依靠信誉(运气) strain the law for one's own purposes 为了利己目的歪曲法律 5. 超越…之所及 That story strains my credulity. 那个故事太离谱,使我不敢轻信。 6. 【物】使应变 7. 过滤;滤出;滤掉,滤去 strain coffee 滤咖啡 strain the water from spinach 把菠菜滤干 strain lumps from a sauce 把调味汁中的团块滤掉 8. 压紧;紧抱 strain sb. to one's bosom (或 breast, heart) 把某人紧抱在怀里 She strained the child to her. 她紧紧搂住孩子。 9. 〈废〉强求,榨取 ❷ vi. 1. 尽力,努力,使劲 The camels strained under loads. 骆驼在重负下硬撑着。 a rower straining against the current 与水流拼搏的划手 strain to cut costs 尽力削减费用 muscles straining to raise the stone 为举起石头而绷紧的肌肉 His eyes strained to catch a glimpse of the President. 他极目望去,想看一眼总统。 2. (因过度用力或受力等而)受损伤,被扭伤 3. 被扭,受扭;被扭曲,受扭曲;承受巨大压力(或张力) 4. 用力拉,紧拉;用力推,紧推 Once a kite is airborne, it strains on the rope. 风筝一旦上天就会拉紧绳子。 5. 被过滤;渗出;滴出 The liquid strains easily. 这种液体容易过滤。 water straining through sandy soil 从沙土里渗出的水 Muddy water strained from her hair. 泥浆水从她头发上滴下。
II n. 1. 拉紧;拉力;张力;应力;作用力;【物】应变,胁变 Can nylon ropes take more strain than the old kind of rope? 尼龙绳能比老式绳承受更大的力吗? The mast will stand any strain. 这桅杆经得起任何拉力。 the level of strain energy in rock 岩石的应变能级 What is the breaking strain of this cable? 这缆索的致断应力为多少? 2. 努力,尽力;费力之事;不寻常的高度(或程度、强度) He burst out in a wild strain. 他声嘶力竭地大喊大叫。 The strain of keeping awake was painful. 硬顶着不睡真够难受的。 He found the ride a strain. 他感到这次乘车够劳累的。 3. 过劳;极度紧张;重负;过度的要求(或指望、使用) The exhausted Wilson collapsed under the strain. 因过度紧张,筋疲力尽的威尔逊支撑不住了。 These constant delays are a strain on our patience. 如此一再延误使我们忍无可忍。 Don't put too much strain upon the horse. 别给这匹马以过重的负担。 The cost was a strain for her to pay. 支付这笔费用对她来说是个沉重的负担。 place further strain on relations between the two countries 使两国之间的关系进一步紧张 He was under enormous strain during the trial. 在审讯期间他处于极度紧张之中。 ease the strain on fuel supplies 缓和燃料供应的紧张情况 4. (过劳引起的)损伤,劳损;扭伤 heart strain 心脏劳损 Both of us were suffering from back strain. 我们两人都有损伤性腰背痛。 5. 〈古〉曲解 [< OFr estreindre to press together < L stringere to bind tightly; 见 STRICT] phr. at (full) strain 〈古〉全力以赴,竭尽全力 on the strain = at (full) strain strain after竭力追求,拼命争取 The writer has spoiled an otherwise good story by straining after the effect. 由于作者竭力追求效果,把本来可以是很好的一篇小说给弄糟了。 strain a point 见 point strain at 1. 难以接受 Anyone would strain at such an interpretation. 这种解释谁都难以接受。 2. 用力拉(或推);往…使劲 Several sailors were straining at the rope. 几个水手在使劲拉绳子。 She strained at the big trunk in order to pull it out. 她使劲拖那只大箱子,要把它拉出来。 strain at the oars 用力划浆 strain at stool 用力大便 strain at a gnat 见 gnat strain at the leash 见 leash strain away = strain off strain every nerve见nerve strain off 滤掉 (液体) When the potatoes were cooked, she strained off the water. 土豆煮好后,她把水滤掉。 strain oneself 1. 竭尽全力 He strained himself to a final burst of speed. 他竭尽全力突然加速作最后冲刺。 2. 过度劳累;扭伤 She strained herself moving the piano. 她因搬钢琴而扭伤了。 |