释义 |
stow¹ /stəʊ/ vt. | phr. vt. 1. 堆垛;装载;装填 We stowed all the boxes in the attic. 我们把箱子都堆叠在阁楼上。 stow the cargo in the ship's hold 将货物装载在船舱里 stow a trunk with clothes 把衣服装在箱子里 2. 储藏,收藏;〈废〉把…锁起妥藏 He stowed the letter in his inside pocket. 他把信藏在内袋里。 3. 使暂宿,使暂留 stow the patient in the hospital emergency room 把病人暂留在医院急诊室 4. 〈俚〉[常用祈使语气]停止,中止 Stow the talk! 别说了! 5. (地点或容器)(能)容纳 6. 〈古〉挤满,塞满,堆满 [< OE stōwian to keep, hold back < stōw place; 与 OHG stouwen to accuse, Goth stōjan to judge, OSlav staviti to place 有关] phr. stow away 1. 收藏起,贮藏 Things were being stowed away in preparation for departure. 为启程作准备,正在收存东西。 2. 无票偷乘; (为逃跑) 偷乘船 (或火车、飞机等)He stowed away on a British ship with the help of a stoker. 他在一个司炉工的帮助下偷乘一艘英国船逃离。 3. 吃光;喝完 stow away a huge dinner 大吃一顿 Stow it! 〈俚〉安静! (或别讲话了!) |