释义 |
ad·e·quate /ˈædɪkwət/ a. 1. 适当的;胜任的 an adequate description of the situation 对情势的恰当描述 be adequate to the task of doing sth. 能胜任做某事 The quality of the product is quite adequate for local purposes. 这产品的质量可以充分满足本地的需求。 2. 能满足需要(量)的,足够的 What should be done to assure adequate supplies of energy? 应该怎样来保证足够的能源供应? His wages are adequate to support his family. 他的工资足以维持他一家生活。 3. 勉强够的;差强人意的 Her first performance was merely adequate. 她的初次演出只能说是差强人意。 [<L adaequāre to equalize < ad- to + aequus equal] |