释义 |
storm /stɔːm/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 风暴;暴(风)雨;暴(风)雪;风雹 A storm arose. 暴风雨来了。 The islanders were warned that a storm was coming. 岛民们被警告说暴风雨即将来临。 A small ship rolled about in the storm. 一只小船在暴风雨中颠簸飘摇。 2. 沙暴 3. 【气】10级风(风速每小时64-72英里) 4. (暴风雨般的)阵发;(感情等的)爆发,迸发 a storm of bullets 一阵弹雨 a storm of tears 涟涟泪水 a storm of indignation 一阵义愤 a storm of protest 一片抗议声 a storm of applause 一阵暴风雨般的掌声 5. (政治、社会等方面的)风暴,大动荡,风潮 cause a storm on campus 在校园内引起一场风潮 the economic storms of the 1930s 20世纪30年代的经济大动荡 6. 【军】强击,猛攻 7. 〈美〉= storm window 8. 气旋(亦作 storm system)
II ❶ vi. 1. 起风暴;刮大风;下暴雨;下暴雪;下雹 The wind stormed around the house. 风在房子周围呼啸。 It stormed last night. 昨夜风雨大作。 2. 暴怒,大发雷霆;怒骂 (at,against) He stormed at the waiter. 他对侍者大发脾气。 3. 横冲直撞,猛冲 He stormed into the room in a rage. 他怒气冲冲地闯入房间。 The mob stormed through the streets. 这群暴民在街上横冲直撞。 Wild thoughts were storming in her head. 各种各样的狂想在她脑海中翻腾。 4. 强击,猛攻 The attackers stormed ashore at zero hour. 突击者于进攻发起时刻强击登陆。 storm on board the jetliner 强行登上喷气式客机 ❷ vt. 1. 强击,猛攻;直捣 storm the enemy camp 猛攻敌营 They stormed the castle. 他们对城堡发动强攻。 2. 使受暴风雨般的袭击;不断扰乱;猛烈抨击;对…怒吼 storm a speaker with questions 猛烈质问演讲者 The salesman stormed them with offers. 推销员缠着他们推销货物。 American tourists are storming Europe in record numbers. 美国的旅游者正以创纪录的数字拥往欧洲。 3. 强烈感染;使着迷,使神魂颠倒 storm all the theatre 使全场观众为之倾倒 [ME < OE; 与 OHG sturm storm, OE styrian to stir 有关] phr. After a storm (comes) a calm. 〈谚〉雨过天晴。 any port in a storm 见 port¹ a storm in a teacup 〈主英〉茶杯里的风暴,小事引起的轩然大波,小题大作 Her anger was unreasonable, a storm in a teacup. 她发怒毫无道理,真可谓小题大作。 bring a storm about sb.'s ears 〈口〉引起对某人的强烈反感(或愤怒) His speech attacking the government's plans for industry has brought a storm about his ears. 他攻击政府工业计划的讲话招致了人们对他的强烈反对。 go down a storm 受到观众的热烈欢迎 in a storm 〈美俚〉激动;慌乱 ride out a storm 1. 安然渡过风暴 2. 渡过难关 We'll have to work even harder to ride out a storm. 为了渡过难关,我们将不得不更加努力工作。 storm out 1. (因发怒等)猛冲而出 storm out of the meeting 怒气冲冲地退出会议 He stormed out, slamming the door behind him. 他猛冲出去,砰的一声关上了门。 2. 快走;疾驰 take by storm 1. 攻占;强夺 The soldiers took the town by storm. 士兵们攻下了那座城镇。 2. 使迅速入迷;使神魂颠倒;完全征服(观众等) He gave her so much attention that he took her by storm. 他对她关怀备至,一下迷住了她。 Her singing took New York (the theatre) by storm. 她的演唱使全纽约(全场观众)为之倾倒。 the lull (或 calm) before the storm 见 lull up a storm 〈口〉 1. 极度;丰富地 sweat up a storm 大量出汗 2. 热烈地,热情地;干劲十足地;激烈地 Right now she's cooking up a storm. 此刻她正在起劲地烧饭做菜。 weather the storm = ride out a storm |