

单词 stop
释义 stop /stɒp / vt. | vi. | n. | a. | phr.
I (stopped; stop·ping)

1. 阻塞,堵塞;(用塞子)塞住;填塞(洞、孔、隙缝等);把…封于密闭物中;止住(血等);以填塞料补(牙)
stop traffic 阻塞交通
There's something inside stopping the pipe. 里面有什么东西把管子堵塞了。
stop a hole in the tyre 补轮胎上的洞
A tourniquet stops heavy bleeding. 止血带可以止住大出血。
have a tooth stopped (up) 把牙齿补一补
2. 阻止,阻挡;挡开;阻拦;拦截
It was my duty to stop her misconduct. 我有责任阻止她胡作非为。
The policeman stopped the fight. 警察制止了这场殴斗。
stop an enemy attack 挡住敌方进攻
The guards stopped me at the gate. 门卫在大门口拦住了我。
An old couple stopped us for directions to the post office. 一对老年夫妇拦住我们,询问去邮局的路。
I'll stop him (from) circulating these rumours. 我要阻止他扩散这些谣言。
He couldn't stop himself talking. 他情不自禁地说个没完。
Somebody had been stopped at London airport with 50,000 pounds worth of heroin. 有人携带价值5万英镑的海洛因在伦敦机场被扣留。
3. 停止;使中断;使停下
He stopped smoking. 他停止吸烟。
The factory had stopped production. 该厂已停产。
He will stop work at five today. 他将在今天5时停止工作。
He shouted to the children to stop (making) all the noise. 他大声叫孩子们别再喧闹。
She never stopped refusing. 她总是拒绝。
He was running too fast to stop himself. 他跑得太快因而收不住脚。
He raised his hand to stop the cab. 他举起手要出租汽车停下。
He stopped the car at our door. 他在我家门前停下车。
stop an engine 使发动机停转
4. 击倒,击败;击毙;被…击中(或杀伤)
He stopped his last opponent in the 3rd round. 他在第三回合击倒了最后一个对手。
stop the opposing team by a wide margin 以悬殊的比分打败对方队
stop a bird with a shot 一枪把鸟击落
the risk of stopping a bullet (spear) along a lonely road 在人迹稀少的路上中弹(被矛刺中) 的危险
5. 难倒,使狼狈
These questions stopped the expert. 这几个问题把专家难住了。
6. 切断;扣除;停止支付
stop supplies to the refugees 断绝对难民的供应
If you don't deal with that bill quickly, they might stop your electricity. 你如不赶快把账单付掉,他们可能切断你的电。
The cost must be stopped out of his salary. 费用必须从他的薪金中扣除。
The manager has stopped my salary. 经理已停发我的薪金。
The bank stopped (the payment of) his cheque. 银行停止兑付他的支票。
7. (为增减音量或变化音色)(乐器的孔或弦)(通过按孔或弦)产生(音调)
You can play a chord by stopping two strings simultaneously. 同时按两根弦你可以奏出和弦。
8. 按依限买卖指令买进(或卖出)(股票、证券)
9. 给…加标点
a badly stopped letter 一封乱加标点的信
10. 阻止对方连拿(某一花色的牌张)
11. 修剪(或掐断)(植物)的枝条
12. 扎住,系紧(船缆等)
1. 停止,中断;终止;(突然)停下
Her hiccups stopped of their own accord. 她的逆呃自动停了。
Stop or I'll shoot. 站住,否则我要开枪了。
He stopped to smoke. 他停下来抽支烟。 (比较: He stopped smoking. 他停止抽烟。)
The rain has stopped. 雨停了。
The sunshine stopped there. 阳光照到那儿为止。
The road stops at the square. 这条路通到广场为止。
Her skirt stopped at her knees. 她的裙子长及膝盖。
Old habits stop hard. 积习难改。
2. 被堵塞,被塞住
The drain stopped. 阴沟堵塞了。
3. 顺便过访;逗留;主英留下
On my way home I stopped at the shop. 回家途中我顺便去了次商店。
We stopped at a hotel for two nights. 我们在旅馆呆了两夜。
stop to the end 逗留到结束
We invited him to tea and he stopped for supper! 我们请他进午茶,而他却留下来吃晚饭了!
I can go and stop with my brother for a couple of days. 我可以去我兄弟那儿住几天。
stop at home from school 赖在家里不去上学
I'll be late for lunch, if I stop any longer. 我如果再呆下去,就要赶不上吃午饭了。
4. 犹豫,踌躇;退缩
5. 花时间;费神
stop and listen 专注地听
I didn't stop to think where the money was coming from. 我不曾费神想过这钱是从哪儿来的。

II n.
1. 停止;终止;停留,逗留
The train slipped to a stop. 火车慢慢停下。
The strike caused a stop in the construction of the railway. 罢工使铁路建设工程停顿了。
We made a brief stop to refuel. 我们中途稍停加油。
We made only two stops in our journey. 一路上我们只停了两次。
2. 阻塞,堵塞;填塞;阻止,阻挡
a complete stop of traffic 交通的完全阻塞
3. 停车站;停留地点
I got off at the last stop. 我在终点站下车。
The first stop in our itinerary was a hotel outside Paris. 我们旅程中的第一个停留点是巴黎郊外的一家旅馆。
4. 阻塞物;堵塞物;阻挡物;塞子;限位器;掣子;止动器;挡块;定位器;棘爪;掣索
5. (乐器演奏时的)按孔;按弦;(按孔或弦产生的)音调变化;(吉他的)品;(管风琴的)音栓;(管乐器的)指孔
6. 语气,语调
put on the pathetic stop 发出悲哀的语调
7. 主英标点符号(尤指句号)(电报中)句号的代字;(诗句中表示语法单元结束的)停顿
put stops in the wrong place 标错句号
8. (动物额头与鼻子之间的)凹痕
9. (闭)塞音;(发音时的)闭止
10. 光圈;光圈数(即f数)刻度
11. 止张(指能阻止对方连拿某一花色牌张)
12. (给银行的)止付通知
13. = stop order

III a.
a stop signal 停车信号
[< ? OE stoppian < LL stuppāre to stop with tow < L stuppa tow² < Gr stuppe]
phr. bring to a stop 使停止;使终止
The train was brought to a sudden stop. 火车突然停下。
come to a (full) stop (完全)停止
A car came to a stop outside the jeweller's. 一辆汽车在珠宝商店门外停下。
enough to stop a clock (脸等)十分丑陋
know where (或 when) to stop 知道如何控制自己
Like most sensible people, they know where to stop. 正如许多明智的人那样,他们知道如何约束自己。
pull out all the stops (或 pull all the stops out) 1. 拉出管风琴所有音栓
2. 竭尽全力,全力以赴
pull out all the stops to hinder the vote 想尽一切办法阻碍选举
put a stop to 使停止,制止
put a stop to the fighting 制止殴斗
Let's put a stop to all this nonsense. 让我们别再这样胡闹了。
stop a gap 见 gap
put a stop to 终止;结束
stop at nothing 见 nothing
stop behind 留下
Will a few of you stop behind to help clear the chairs away? 你们留下几个人帮着把椅子搬走好吗?
stop by (顺便)过访
Could you stop by for one brief minute? 你能否过来坐坐?
stop by the post office 顺道去趟邮局
stop dead = stop short
stop down1. (使)保持低水平;不增加
stop down one's excitement 抑制兴奋
I hope the wind stops down. 我希望风不要刮大。
2. (吃下的食物)不翻胃
3. 缩小(镜头)的光圈;缩小光圈
The sun's just come out: you'll have to stop down a bit. 太阳出来了,你得把光圈稍微缩小一点。
stop in 1. 留在家
I'll stop in and look after the kids. 我留在家里照料孩子们。
2. (顺便)过访
She stopped in to see me. 她顺道来看望我。
stop in at the flower shop 顺便去一趟花店
3. (课后)留校,关晚学
The entire class will stop in after 4 o'clock.4点以后全班留下。
Stop it! 住手! 停下! 别这么干了!
stop off 1. 对…补砂
2. 中途停留;中途下车 (或下飞机等)
We'll stop off for a few days in Shanghai to visit our friends. 中途我们将在上海停留几天去看望朋友。
En route to Brown's home, he stopped off at his office building. 在去布朗家的途中,他下车到办公楼去了一下。
stop one's ears 见 ear¹
stop out 1. 呆在外面;在外面过夜
stop out half the night 在外面呆到半夜
2. 继续罢工
The Union decided to stop out until their demands were met. 工会决定须等他们的要求得到满足后才复工。
3. 用防腐物覆盖 (部分版面) 使之不受腐蚀
4. 中途辍学去短期从事其他活动
5. (按依限买卖指令) 出售 (证券)
stop over 短期逗留;中途停留
We stopped over one night in London. 我们在伦敦滞留了一夜。
They stopped over in Rome. 他们在罗马稍作停留。
stop sb.'s mouth 见 mouth
stop short 见 short
stop short at (或 of) (doing) sth. 见 short
stop the show 见 show
stop the way 见 way
stop up 1. 堵塞,塞住;被阻塞,不通
Stop up each breach as it occurs. 一出现裂口就要堵住。
The entrance to the cave was stopped up with rocks. 进山洞的入口被岩石堵住了。
My nose is badly stopped up. 我的鼻子塞得厉害。
The sink stops up constantly. 水斗经常堵塞。
2. 英口不睡觉,熬夜
She often stops up till he gets home. 她常常等他回家后才睡。
with all the stops out 竭尽全力地,全力以赴地




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