

单词 stick
释义 stick /stɪk/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 枝条;枯枝;柴枝
get in sticks for the bonfire 拾柴枝生篝火
2. 棍,棒;杖;主英手杖
Bill carries a stick to ward off dogs. 比尔带了一根棍子赶狗。
Grandfather walks with a stick. 祖父拄着拐杖走路。
3. (用于建造房屋、制作家具的)木条,木档
The house was pulled down and not a stick was left standing. 房子被拆得连一根木条也不剩了。
4. 棍子似的东西,棒状物;条状物
a stick of candy 棒糖
a stick of butter 一条黄油
Her sticks of arms were wrapped tight around her chest. 她那骨瘦如柴的双臂紧紧地抱在胸前。
5. 曲棍球球棍,曲棍;(兜网球的)网兜木棒;(冲浪运动的)冲浪板
6. [sticks] 栏架;足球球门
7. [sticks] 举棍过肩(曲棍球犯规动作之一)
8. 鼓槌;指挥棒
He lifted his stick and the band began to play. 他举起指挥棒,乐队开始演奏。
9. 官杖;持官杖的人
10. (草本植物的)茎,梗
celery sticks 芹菜梗
11. (家具的)
a few sticks of furniture 几件家具
12. (飞机等的)操纵杆,驾驶杆;(汽车等的)调档杆,变速杆
13. 集束炸弹,连续投下的一批炸弹;连续跳下的一组伞兵
The bombers had dropped their sticks. 轰炸机已连续投下一批炸弹。
Of the ten men in this stick, only four reached the ground safely. 在连续跳下的一组10名伞兵中,只有4名安全着地。
14. 桅杆,一段桅杆;桁梁
15. 手盘,排字盘;(手盘中)排好的一盘铅字
16. 呆头呆脑的人;家伙
a funny (queer) old stick 滑稽可笑(古怪)的老头
17. [the sticks] 美口乡镇;边远地区;边远林区
move out into the sticks 从市区搬到乡镇
18. 大麻烟卷;加在饮料(尤指茶、咖啡)中的烈酒
19. [(the)stick] 批评;责打,惩罚;(迫使他人屈就的)威慑(物)
get a fair share of the stick 遭到一顿好打
20. 刺,戳
a stick in the ribs 落在肋骨间的一戳
21. 粘,黏着;黏性
a glue with plenty of stick 黏性很强的胶水
22. 黏性物质
23. 暂停,停止;推迟
24. 妨碍,障碍

II (stuck /stʌk/ sticked)

1. 刺,戳;刺穿;刺死
He will pull out a knife and stick you. 他会拔出刀来刺你的。
The doctor stuck him with a needle. 医生给他扎针。
stick a salmon (用鱼叉)刺鲑鱼
stick pigs (骑在马上用长矛)猎野猪
2. (尖物等)刺入(或穿入、插入);在…上插
He stuck his knife into the butter. 他把餐刀插入黄油。
stick a flower in the buttonhole 把花插在扣眼里
stick a gun in a holster 把枪插入枪套
stick a flagpole solid in the ground 把旗杆牢牢插在地上
stick a pin through the papers to hold them together 用大头针把文件别在一起
He stuck a cigarette behind his ear. 他把一枝香烟夹在耳后。
The top of the wall was stuck full of broken glasses. 墙头上插满了碎玻璃。
a coat stuck with badges 别着几枚徽章的外衣
3. 把…插在针尖(或尖物)上;(用针尖固定)制作(昆虫标本等)
stick a cake on a fork 把蛋糕叉在餐叉上
stick butterflies 制作蝴蝶标本
4. 钉住;粘住,粘贴
stick a hook on the wall 在墙上钉个钩子
stick a notice on the wall 把通告贴在墙上
stick a stamp on the letter 把邮票贴在信上
Can you stick the torn pieces back together? 你能把这些碎片重新粘在一起吗?
5. (随手)放置
She closed the bag and stuck it back on the shelf. 她合上包,顺手放回架子上。
stick a cheque in an envelope 把支票放进信封
6. 伸出;使突出
He stuck his finger down his collar. 他把手指伸进衣领。
She stuck her head out of the window. 她把头伸出窗外。
7. (用黏性物质)涂敷;使变粘
8. 容忍,忍受;经受,挺住
She can't stick that stepfather of hers. 她无法容忍她的那个继父。
I don't know how I've stuck it. It's been hell. 我不知道是怎么挺过来的。简直像地狱一般。
9. 使停留;阻塞
I was stuck there for a week by bad weather. 由于天气不好我只得在那里呆了一个星期。
Why on earth are you stuck in a college? 你究竟为什么非要留在大学里不可呢?
The heavy snow stuck traffic for hours. 大雪使交通中断了几小时。
10. 把…难住;使迷惑;使窘困
I was stuck on the last question. 我被这最后一道题难住了。
He is stuck awkwardly in the middle. 他处于进退两难的尴尬境地。
11. (把不称心的事物)强加于;敲诈;欺骗
They always stick me with the dirty work. 他们老是把脏活交给我干。
stick sb. with a big bill 迫使某人付一大笔账款
How much did they stick you for this lot? 这块地他们诈了你多少钱?
12. (sticked) (木条)排成堆;用木条支撑
13. (sticked)(活字)排在手盘中
1. (尖物)被刺入,被穿入,被插入
A nail stuck in the tyre. 一枚钉子戳进了轮胎。
a piece of needlework with needle sticking in it 上面插着针的一件针线活
2. 被钉住;被粘住,被粘贴
These two labels don't stick very well. 这两张标签贴不牢。
3. 停留,留下;长久保留
Well, I am not going. I stick. 好,我不去了,我留下。
She's stuck at home all day with the children. 她整天与孩子们一起呆在家里。
The naughty kid stuck in my mind. 这个顽皮孩子使我忘不了。
The President's speech yesterday must have stuck in the minds of many people. 总统昨天的演讲一定铭记在许多人的心头。
He invented the story and it stuck. 他编出了这个一直流传着的故事。
His friends used to call him “Fatty” and the nickname has stuck. 他的朋友们过去一向叫他“胖子”,这个绰号就一直叫到现在。
4. 紧靠,依附;紧随
5. 被认为有效,继续有效
When an agreement is reached, it has stuck. 协议一达成,它就生效了。
make decisions stick 使决议起作用
The curfew sticks. 宵禁仍在实行。
6. 坚持;坚守;遵守;忠于
She stuck through thick and thin. 在任何情况下她都坚定不移。
7. 堵塞,卡住;陷住;停顿下来
A fishbone stuck in my throat. 一根鱼刺梗在我喉咙里。
The cupboard door stuck and I couldn't open it. 碗橱门卡住了,我打不开。
The zips stuck. 拉链卡住了。
The boat stuck on a sandbank. 船搁浅在沙滩上了。
A shoe stuck in the mud. 一只鞋子陷入烂泥之中。
The bill stuck in committee. 议案在委员会那一环搁浅。
8. 被难住;困惑;处于困境
9. (演出或讲话中)不能继续演(或讲)下去
He stuck in the middle of the verse. 诗念到中间,他念不下去了。
10. 伸出;突出
His arms stick out of his coat sleeves. 他捋起外衣袖子伸出双臂。
[I < OE sticca rod, twig, spoon; 与 ON stikka stick, OHG stecca 有关; II < OE stīcian; 与 OHG stehhan to sting, ON steikja to roast on spit 有关]
phr. as cross as two sticks 见 cross
a stick with which to beat sb. (或 a stick to beat sb. with) 用以指责某人的借口;某人受指责的把柄
use the minister's unfulfilled promises as a stick with which to beat the whole government 利用这位部长未兑现诺言为把柄攻击整个政府
look for a stick to beat sb. with. 找把柄责备某人
be stuck for 想不起来;不知所措
be stuck on 迷恋,被迷住;特别喜爱
She is really stuck on her new teacher. 她实在喜欢她的新老师。
be stuck with 无法摆脱,解脱不了
They found themselves stuck with huge losses. 他们发现自己不可避免地遭到了巨大的损失。
Will you help me with this mathematical problem? I'm stuck with it. 这道数学题你能帮我一下吗? 我怎么也解不出来。
be tarred with the same stick 见 tar¹
carrot and stick 见 carrot
carry a big stick over 对…施行强权,对…严加控制
The trade unions were afraid that the government would carry a big stick over them. 工会担心政府会对他们采取强硬手段。
carry the stick 流浪,游荡
cut one's stick 逃走,赶快跑开;偷偷溜掉
eat stick 挨棍子,挨打
get stick = take stick
get stick in (或into)抓紧干(…);加紧进行(…)
Here's your dinner, get stuck in! 这是你的饭,快吃吧!
get stuck into one's career 加紧干事业
give sb. the stick 责打某人;惩罚某人
She'll give the child some stick when she finds out about his behaviour. 当她了解孩子的行为时她要责罚他的。
hold a stick to (或 hold sticks with) 可与…媲美,比得上
hop the stick 突然离开;死去
in a cleft stick主英进退两难
on the stick 十分抓紧,十分用心
If you are going to do it, you better get on the stick. 如果你打算做这件事的话,你最好要抓紧些。
shake a stick at 美口关心,注意
The Government's energy program shakes a stick at big consumers of gasoline. 政府的能源计划关心的是用汽油的大户。
There were just a few flakes, not enough snow to shake a stick at. 只不过是飘了几片雪花,没下多少雪。
stick around
1. 呆在附近,等在旁边
Stick around for a while, he will soon be back. 请等一会儿,他马上就会回来的。
2. 逗留,留下
I ought to stick around if you are going to be out. 如果你要出去,我就得留下。
3. 呆在…附近,在…周围闲荡
stick at 1. 停止做;对…却步,对…犹豫
He wouldn't stick at cheating to get what he wanted. 他为了得到想要的东西会不惜行骗。
He will stick at nothing to attain his ends. 他为了达到目的什么都干得出来。
2. 继续努力做,坚持干
He stuck at his physics homework until long after midnight. 他做物理作业一直做到深更半夜。
He'll stick at it till he succeeds. 他会坚持不懈直至成功。
stick by 1. 忠于,对…真心
His wife stuck by him in good times and bad. 他的妻子无论在顺境逆境中都对他不变心。
2. 坚持,维护(原则等)
stick by one's beliefs 坚持自己的信念
stick down 1. 放下
You can stick the table down in a corner for the time being. 你可以把桌子暂时放在角落里。
2. 写下
Stick your name down here. 把你的名字写在这儿。
3. 用胶水粘住;用别针别上
He licked the flap of the envelope and stuck it down. 他舔了舔信封口并把它封上。
stick 'em up! 举起手来!
stick fast 1. (使)牢牢固定,(使)不能前进
The bus stuck (或 is stuck) fast in the snow. 公共汽车陷入雪里动弹不得。
We were never sticking fast. 我们从不止步不前。
2. 坚持不变;固执己见
He stuck fast and refused to be influenced. 他固执己见不听劝说。
stick in 1. 把…放入;伸入
2. 呆在家中,不出去
They stuck in all day. 他们整天呆在家里。
3. (使)努力工作;(使)坚持不懈
You must stick in to your lessons. 你必须努力学好功课。
If we stick in for a few years, I'm confident we'll succeed. 如果我们坚持数年,我相信我们将会成功。
4. 顽固地留下;拒不离开(或出来)
5. 把…放进…里;把…粘贴在…里
stick stamps in the albums 把邮票插在集邮册里
6. 在…上刺(或戳) (孔)
stick in sb.'s fingers = stick to sb.'s fingers
stick in sb.'s throat (或craw,crop,gizzard,gullet)使某人不高兴,使某人生气
His parents' praise of his brother stuck in Jim's craw. 父母称赞弟弟,这使吉姆很恼火。
stick in the mud 见 mud
stick it on 英俚
1. 索价过高
The hotelkeepers stickit on during the busy season. 宾馆老板在旺季时漫天要价。
2. 言过其实
stick it out 容忍,忍受;经受;挺住
Much as he disliked the place, he thought he could stick it out one more year. 他虽然很不喜欢那地方,但他想还能坚持1年。
The 55 strikers stuck it out to the end. 有55名罢工者坚持到底。
stick it to 主美口严酷对待某人;严厉对待某人
stick like a bur 见 bur¹
stick like a limpet 见 limpet
stick on 1. 稳住(于…),不摔下
stick on a horse 稳坐在马背上
He was not a good rider but managed to stick on. 他不是一个好骑手,不过总算没有摔下来。
2. 继续呆在(农场等);坚持
The workers are sticking on the question of holiday pay. 工人们坚决要求解决假日工资问题。
3. 放在…上;使粘贴在…上
4. 在…上加价,对…增加收费
stick an additional charge on the bill 在账单上增收一笔费用
stick one (或 it) on 英口(某人)
stick one's nose in the air 见 nose
stick one's nose into (或 in) 见 nose
stick out 1. (对…)忍耐到底;(把…)坚持到底
He stuck the first term out and then left. 他坚持念完了第一学期,然后离开了。
Jones and I had a bet as to who would stick out the longer. 琼斯与我打赌看谁能坚持得更久。
2. 伸出,突出;显眼
My house sticks out and you can't miss it. 我的房子很显眼,你不会看不到的。
3. 继续反对;罢工
The miners are determined to stick out until they get their demands. 矿工们决定罢工,不满足要求决不罢休。
4. 坚持;坚决说
stick out for higher wage 坚持要求提高工资
The prisoner stuck out that he had not been present at the scene of the crime. 犯人坚决说他不在作案现场。
stick out a mile 见 mile
stick out like a sore thumb 见 thumb
sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me 我才不在乎别人说什么,随便别人怎么说
stick to 1. (使)粘贴在…上;(使)固着在…上
keep the biscuits from sticking to the pan 不让烤饼粘锅
The young rider stuck to the back of the terrified horse. 年轻的骑手紧贴在那匹受惊马的背上。
The taste of the wine was still sticking to his palate. 酒味仍然留在他的嘴里。
2. 忠于;信守
He was a man who stuck to his friends. 他是一个忠于朋友的人。
stick to an agreement 信守协议
3. 不离(题),不扯开
The speaker stuck closely to his subject. 演讲人紧扣主题。
4. 紧跟,紧随
Stick to me and you won't get lost. 紧跟我你就不会迷路。
stick to the main roads 沿着大路行进
5. 坚持;坚守
stick to practising the piano 坚持练钢琴
stick to one's view 坚持自己的观点
stick to one's principles of fair play 坚持公平交易的原则
stick to one's post 坚守岗位
stick together 1. 粘贴在一起;固着在一起
2. 团结一致,互相支持
We stuck together in the fight. 我们在战斗中团结一致。
stick to it 坚持;不停地努力
stick to one's guns 见 gun
stick to one's knitting 见 knitting
stick to one's last 见 last³
stick to sb.'s fingers 见 finger
stick to the ribs 见 rib¹
stick up 1. 持枪抢劫
stick up a bank 抢银行
stick up passengers on the train 抢劫列车上的旅客
2. (使)竖起; (使) 向上突出
Aerials stick up above the chimney. 天线高高竖立在烟囱上方。
stick up a post 竖起杆子
Stick up your hand if you know the answer. 知道答案的就举手。
3. 缠住…要钱;请求…捐款
4. 修光(陶制品等)
5. 张贴;公布
The examination results will be stuck up on this board tomorrow. 考试成绩明天在这块牌子上张榜公布。
stick up for 支持;维护,为…辩护
Quit sticking up for him! 别再护着他了!
stick up to 1. 不屈服,抵抗,勇敢地面对
stick up to a bully 抵抗暴徒
2. 英方向…求爱,向…求婚
stick with 1. 缠住,萦绕
The childhood fears have stuck with me. 童年时代的恐惧至今犹在。
2. 紧跟,紧随
Stick with me and you won't get lost. 紧跟着我你就不会迷路。
3. 继续注意,继续听…讲
4. 继续努力从事;继续忠于;继续支持;坚持
You gave me the courage to stick with my reform to the end. 你给了我勇气把改革坚持到底。
stick with the fight against inflation 继续与通货膨胀作斗争
We stuck with him as our candidate. 我们继续支持他为候选人。
I'll stick with the Scotch. 我还是照老规矩喝苏格兰威士忌酒。
take stick 受到严厉责备
The Treasury had been taking a great deal of stick over the past year. 财政部在过去一年内备受指责。
the dirty end of the stick 见 end¹
the short end of the stick 见 end¹
the wrong end of the stick 见 end¹
to sticks (and staves) 成碎片,成粉碎;到一塌糊涂的地步
up sticks 英口拔营,准备动身;迁居别处
What on earth impels a man to up sticks at 84 and come back to this distressful country? 究竟是什么因素使得一个人在84岁时移居回到这多难之邦呢?
up the stick 英口怀孕的
wield a big stick over= carry a big stick over




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