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steam /stiːm/ n. | vi. | vt. | a. | phr. I n. 1. 水蒸气,蒸汽;加压蒸汽;汽力 Boiling water gives off steam. 沸水冒出蒸汽。 2. 水汽,汽雾;蒸气 the steam on the windows 窗子上的水汽 His breath turned to steam that winter morning. 那个冬天的早晨,他呼出的气都化成了汽雾。 a steam of incense 一股香气 3. 〈口〉力量,精力;势力 That old man still has a lot of steam left in him. 这老人精力还相当旺盛。 The economy has lost (gathered) steam. 经济已出现衰退(已有所好转)。 Cuts in the deficit will take the steam out of inflation. 减少赤字将会缓解通货膨胀。 4. 情绪的紧张 He came running up to me full of steam and yelled, “Did you see the explosion?” 他神情十分紧张地向我跑来,大声喊道:“你看到爆炸了吗?” 5. 轮船;乘船旅行 travel by steam 乘船旅行 a night and a day's steam 一昼夜的乘船旅行
II ❶ vi. 1. 发出蒸汽;冒水汽 a horse steaming after a gallop 奔驰后浑身冒着热气的马 2. 蒸发;(锅炉等)产生蒸汽 3. (玻璃等)蒙上水汽,蒙上汽雾 4. 靠蒸汽动力行进(或行驶) The London to Edinburgh express steamed into Newcastle right on time. 从伦敦到爱丁堡的快车准时驶抵纽卡斯尔。 a ship steaming towards the Bermuda Triangle 驶向百慕大三角的一艘船 5. 〈口〉奋力前进,高速前进;使劲干;大幅度进展 6. 生气,发怒;激动 The President was reported to be steaming mad on hearing the news. 据传总统听到这消息后暴跳如雷。 7. 〈口〉(小偷团伙)快速地边走边偷(或抢) ❷ vt. 1. 用蒸汽处理;蒸煮;蒸汽软化;蒸汽消毒;蒸汽洗涤 steam open a letter (an envelope) 用蒸汽把信(信封)打开 steam a stamp off an envelope 用蒸汽把邮票从信封上揭下 Mamma steamed her damp boots at the fire. 妈妈把湿靴子放在火上烘。 steam rice 蒸饭 steam surgical instruments 蒸煮消毒手术器械 2. 发出(蒸气或蒸汽);使蒙上水汽 The hot coffee steamed my glasses. 热咖啡使我眼镜蒙上了一层水汽。 3. 用蒸汽开动;用船运送 steam a ship through English Channel 把船驶过英吉利海峡 4. 〈口〉使发怒;使激动 5. 〈俚〉聚众对…行劫
III a. 1. 蒸汽的;含有蒸汽的 2. 用蒸汽处理的;蒸煮的;蒸汽软化的;蒸汽消毒的;蒸汽洗涤的 3. 蒸汽推动(或操纵)的;蒸汽机驱动(或操作)的 4. 输送蒸汽的;调节蒸汽的 5. 〈英口〉普通的,一般的,常规的 a steam telephone 一台普通(或老式)电话机
phr. full steam ahead 见 full¹ get (或 pick) up steam 1. (船舶等)开足蒸汽驱动发动机;加速前进 The train gradually picked up steam. 火车越开越快。 2. 〈口〉开足马力;振足精神;(计划、工程等)越搞越大 get up steam to finish the work in one day 开足马力在一天里把工作做完 The arms race was picking up steam. 军备竞赛愈演愈烈。 3. 〈口〉发脾气 Mother could get up a good head of steam when riled. 妈妈被惹火了会大发雷霆的。 have steam coming out of one's ears 〈口〉极其愤怒 let (或 blow) off steam 1. 放掉蒸汽以减少压力 2. 〈口〉发泄被压抑的感情;泄怒 Women were given a chance to let off steam at the meeting. 会上,妇女有了一个出气发牢骚的机会。 3. 〈口〉松弛紧张的情绪 We needed to let off a little steam after exams. 考完之后我们要稍稍松弛一下神经。 4. 〈口〉耗去多余的精力 The children ran around the playground at recess, letting off steam. 孩子们课间休息时在操场上到处奔跑,宣泄过剩的精力。 put on steam 1. 增加蒸汽;加速 2. 振作精神,加把劲 run out of steam 〈口〉没有动力,没有精力;精疲力竭;泄气 The economy was running out of steam. 经济正在衰退。 His government seemed to be running out of steam. 他的政府好像摇摇欲坠了。 steam ahead 奋力前进;使劲干;取得很大进展 steam away 1. 发出蒸汽;蒸发 The kettle was steaming away on the stove. 炉子上的水壶正冒着蒸汽。 2. = steam ahead steam in 〈英口〉开始(或加入)打斗 steam up 1. (使)蒙上水汽 The glass doors of the kitchen were steamed up. 厨房的玻璃门上蒙着一层水汽。 The insides of the car windows steam up very quickly in wet weather. 潮湿天,汽车窗子里面很快会结上水汽。 2. [常用被动语态] 〈口〉使发怒;使激动 He's all steamed up about the delay. 对这次延误他感到十分恼火。 There's no need to get all steamed up. 没有必要那么激动。 3. [常用被动语态] 〈口〉使急切 He got the players steamed up to win the game. 他激励得队员们摩拳擦掌,求胜心切。 4. 给…动力,促进 [OE: vapour, fume; 与 D stoom steam,? OHG stioban to raise dust, Goth stubjus dust 有关] under one's own steam 〈英口〉靠自己的力量 Now he could get about under his own steam. 现在他能自己走动了。 under steam (机器)用蒸汽驱动 work off steam〈口〉通过体育活动(或工作等)来消除怒气 Playing tennis is one of my favourite ways of working off steam. 打网球是我用来排遣心头怒气的最喜爱的方法之一。 |