释义 |
blaze¹ /bleɪz/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 火焰;烈火;火堆;熊熊燃烧 The fire sprang into a blaze. 火一下子旺起来了。 the blaze of the campfire 营火的烈焰 The whole place was in a blaze. 整个地方成了一片火海。 2. 火灾;燃烧中的建筑 several blazes in the woods 森林中的几次大火 It took them three hours to put the blaze out. 他们花了3个小时才把火扑灭。 3. 光辉,闪耀;强烈(或眩目)的光;炽热的强光 the blaze of day 白昼的光辉 a blaze of jewels 珠宝的闪光 the blaze of the noon sun 正午太阳的强光 4. 灿烂;炫耀,炫示 The restaurant was a blaze of light and colour. 饭店灯火通明,五彩缤纷。 a blaze of glory 一派荣华 in the blaze of publicity 在公众瞩目之下 5. (感情等的)迸发,爆发 unleash a blaze of pent-up emotions 使被抑制的情感迸发出来 in a blaze of fury (或 anger) 狂怒之下 in a final blaze of effort 在最后一阵努力之下 6. [blazes] 〈口〉[用作委婉的诅咒语]地狱 Go to blazes! (或 What the blazes!) 该死! I drink too much and my work has gone to blazes. 我饮酒过度,工作一塌糊涂。 What in blazes (或 What the blazes) are you doing here? 你到底在这儿干什么? To blazes with this palaver! 让这些空谈见鬼去吧!
II ❶ vi. 1. 熊熊燃烧;着火;冒火焰 a fire blazing on the hearth 炉中燃烧着的火 2. 发(强)光;放光彩;闪耀 The sun was blazing down and the heat was oppressive. 太阳直射,热得叫人透不过气。 All the lights were blazing in the office. 办公室内灯火齐明。 Their faces blazed with enthusiasm. 他们热情洋溢,容光焕发。 The front cover of the pamphlet blazed forth in large red letters. 小册子的封面上大红字光彩夺目。 3. 炫耀,炫示 The Sunday papers touched on the matter, the Monday papers blazed with the news. 星期日的报纸触及了这件事,而星期一的报纸把这消息醒目地登载出来。 4. 迸发,爆发 blaze with anger 发怒 Suddenly guns blazed out on the dark plain. 黑暗的平原上忽然炮声大作。 5. 〈口〉光荣赢得 She blazed to a gold medal in the 200-metre sprint. 她光荣赢得200米短跑金牌。 ❷ vt. 1. 使燃烧;使冒火焰 2. 闪耀出 Her eyes blazed fire. 她的眼睛闪着怒火。 3. 显示出;引起对…的注意 blaze one's extreme anger to everyone present 让每一个在场的人看出自己极端的愤怒 [< OE blæse flame, torch] phr. blaze away 1. 继续燃烧 The bonfire blazed away for hours. 营火燃烧了几个小时。2. 连续射击;打完 (子弹等)blaze away at the enemy 对敌人连续射击 blaze away with an airgun 用汽枪连续发射 blaze away all one's ammunition 耗尽所有的弹药 3. 热烈地讲;使劲地干 blaze away at one's work 努力工作 blaze up 1. 燃烧起来 The dry wood blazed up at the touch of a match. 干木头用火柴一点就烧着了。2. 发怒 blaze up at an insult 因受到侮辱而发怒 like blazes 〈口〉狂暴地;激烈地 The horse went like blazes. 马狂奔而去。 |