

单词 stamp
释义 stamp /stæmp/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 邮票;印花税票;(商店给顾客的)奖券
put a stamp on a letter 把邮票贴在信上
2. 印,印章,图章;检验章;邮戳;印记
a rubber date-stamp 一只橡皮日期图章
an embossed stamp 硬印
They had German passports with Brazilian stamps. 他们持有盖了巴西签证印的德国护照。
All the goods bore the manufacturer's stamp. 所有的货物都盖有制造厂商的印记。
They wanted an official stamp of approval for their union. 他们要官方正式承认他们联姻。
3. 标志,特征;痕迹
The story had the stamp of authenticity. 这故事具有真实性。
have an evident American stamp 有明显的美国特征
The events left their stamp on his mind. 这些事件在他头脑里留下了不可磨灭的印象。
4. 类型,种类
We want to employ men of his stamp. 我们要雇用像他这样的人。
5. 跺脚;踩踏
The horse gave a stamp of his foot. 马重重地一跺脚。
6. 打印装置(或工具)(压印图案等的)印模
7. 碾槌;捣矿机

II vt.
1. 贴邮票于;贴印花税票于
I have addressed the envelope but haven't stamped it. 我在信封上已写好地址,但还没贴上邮票。
2. 在…上盖印;盖上(字样等)
The oranges were all stamped with the exporter's name. 这些橙子全部印有出口商的名字。
stamp “paid”on a bill 在账单上盖上“付讫”字样
He stamped the date at the top of his letter. 他在信的上端打上了日期。
3. 在…上压印图案(或标记等);压印上(图案、标记等);冲压
The black soles of his socks stamped damp imprints on the dry floor. 他的黑袜底在干地板上留下了一个个湿印。
stamp auto bodies 冲压汽车车身
a newly stamped key 刚从模子里冲出来的一把钥匙
4. 使被牢记,使被铭刻
The thinking of feudal society over several thousand years is stamped in (或 on) people's minds. 几千年的封建社会思想在人们头脑中根深蒂固。
5. 使显示出;表现出
Such generous actions stamped him as a man of honour. 这些慷慨行为说明他是一个君子。
Her father stamped his approval on her love. 她父亲对她的恋爱表示赞同。
6. (脚);踩踏;把…跺去
She peevishly stamped her foot. 她怒气冲冲地跺脚。
stamp the floor in anger 愤怒地蹬地板
stamp the grass down to the earth 把草踩倒在地
stamp the snow from one's boots 把雪从靴子上跺掉
7. 镇压,压制;扑灭,消灭
8. 捣碎,压碎
1. 跺脚;踩踏;重步走
She was stamping with fury. 她气得直跺脚。
He had been stamping impatiently about the gallery. 他一直烦躁地在走廊里迈着重重的步子来回走动。
Angrily she stamped back into the bedroom. 她气冲冲地大步走回卧室。
2. 被捣碎
[< OE stamper; 与 OHG stampfōn to stamp, L temnere to despise, Gr stembein to shake up 有关]
phr. stamp down (双脚轮番地)把…踩平(或踩扁)
stamp on (或 upon) 1. 踩踏
I'm sorry I stamped on your foot. 对不起,我踩着你的脚了。
2. 阻拦;压制
stamp on sb's words 打断某人的话
No teacher should stamp on a child's idea without considering it. 教师不应不加考虑就把孩子的想法压制下去。
stamp out 1. 踩灭;扑灭,消灭
stamp out a cigarette 踩灭香烟
stamp out a fire 灭火
The government is determined to stamp out crime. 政府决心消灭犯罪。
2. 镇压
stamp out a revolt 镇压叛乱
3. 用脚打(拍子)
stamp out the rhythm of a song 顿脚为一首歌打拍子
4. 冲压出
This machine can stamp out 20,000 coins a day. 这台机器一天能冲压出2万个硬币。




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