

单词 stack
释义 stack /stæk/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 整齐的一叠(或一堆)(麦秆、稻草、谷物等的)堆,垛
a stack of bills 一叠账单
place the books in a neat stack 把书整整齐齐放成一堆
a stack of hay 干草堆
The grain had gone mouldy in the stack. 垛里的谷子发霉了。
2. [常作 stacks] 大量,许多
stacks (或 a whole stack) of work to get through 大量要干的活
stacks of dresses and shoes 许许多多的衣服和鞋子
a stack of people 一大批人
3. (轮船、火车、工厂的)排气管,烟突,烟道;大烟囱;(多烟道的)烟囱体
4. = stack gas
5. [常作 stacks] (图书馆的)藏书书架,双面大书架;书库
a stacks card 入书库阅览证
6. 堆,垛(木材或煤炭计量单位,相当于108立方英尺)
7. (3 支步枪支起的)三角枪架
8. (作扑克赌注用的)一堆筹码(通常为20个)[stacks] 一大堆钱
9. (存贮)栈,栈式存贮器;存贮栈数据
10. 定高分层盘旋的(飞)机群
11. (尤指苏格兰等地沿海矗立于海面的)(浪蚀)岩柱
12. (高炉的)炉身
13. 多层天线
14. 美俚(通常3个一客的)烤饼,薄煎饼

II vt.
1. 把…叠成堆;把…筑成垛;堆放于
stack the chairs 把椅子一把把叠起
stack bricks on a lorry (或 stack a lorry with bricks) 把砖堆装在卡车上
stack the table with books 在桌上堆放书籍
2. (牌)作弊;暗中对…做手脚
They would stack the convention to favour their policies. 他们将暗中控制会议使之支持他们的方针。
3. 指令(等待着陆的飞机)作定高分层盘旋
4. (枪)支成三角架
5. 美口翻箱倒柜把(房间)搞乱
These plates stack well. 这些盘子叠得很平整。
[< ON stakkr haystack < Gmc; 与 Russ stog, OE staca stake² 有关]
phr. blow one's stack 发脾气,勃然大怒
The president blew his stack over the premature news leak. 总统因消息过早泄漏出去而大光其火。
stack against 1. 靠着…整齐堆放
The planks of wood were stacked neatly against the wall. 木板整齐地靠墙堆放。
2. 使不利于
The odds are stacked against us. 事情对我们很不利。
stack up 1. (把…)叠起,(把…)堆起
stack up the plates 把盘子叠起
chairs that will stack up 可叠起堆放的椅子
2. 获得(钱财)
He has stacked up considerable profits in the last few months. 最近几个月他发了不少财。
3. 与…相比(with, against)
How does our product stack up against those of our competitors? 咱们的产品同竞争对手的相比怎么样?
4. (使)积压成堆(或成行);累积;累计
Traffic was stacked up for miles because of the accident. 因为发生事故,交通给堵塞了好几英里。
Problems are stacking up fast. 问题很快积成了堆。
5. 美口成为结果;进展
That's how things stack up today. 那就是事情怎么会弄到今天这个地步的过程。
How are you stacking up? 你的情况怎么样?
The firm is stacking up pretty well these days. 近来店里营业很不错。
6. 指令(等待着陆的飞机)作定高分层盘旋
Twenty-five planes were stacked up, circling round the airport.25架飞机奉命在机场上空作定高分层盘旋。
7. 有道理
8. (纸牌赌博时)叠筹码
9. (滑雪板运动中)脸朝下跌倒
swear on a stack of Bibles 拼命赌咒,竭力发誓




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