

单词 sputter
释义 sput·ter /ˈspʌtə(r)/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I vi.
1. 喷溅唾沫(或食物)
He talks while he eats and sputters all over the place. 他吃东西的时候讲话,嘴里的东西喷得到处都是。
2. (因激动、愤怒等)气急败坏(或结结巴巴、语无伦次)地说话 (at)
He sputtered incoherently in his anger. 他气得说话结结巴巴。
3. 发劈啪(或毕剥)
The machine guns sputtered away hysterically. 机枪哒哒地疯狂扫射。
Sausages sputtered in the frying pan. 香肠在煎锅里毕剥作响。
4. 发着劈啪(或毕剥)声行进(或进行) (away, in, along)
Thank God no one was around as they sputtered in. 谢天谢地,他们啪嗒啪嗒地进来时幸亏左右没有人。
The taxi sputtered away. 出租汽车发着啪啪声开走了。
The war sputtered along for four years. 这场战争劈劈啪啪打了4年。
1. 喷溅(唾沫或食物)
2. 气急败坏(或结结巴巴、语无伦次)地说
those who sputter platitudes 语无伦次地说一些陈词滥调的人们
3. 劈啪(或毕剥)作响地喷射
A burning green stick sputters out smoke. 一根燃烧着的青枝会劈劈啪啪地冒出烟来。
The fire sputtered cinders. 炉火毕毕剥剥地爆出灰烬。
4. 飞溅,溅射,喷射;喷镀

II n.
1. 喷溅出的唾沫(或食物)
2. 气急败坏(或结结巴巴、语无伦次)地说出的话
They moved out of their houses without a sputter of protest. 他们从原来居住的房屋里搬了出来,没有说一句激烈的抗议话。
3. 劈啪声;毕剥声
The engine gave a sputter and died. 发动机毕剥一声便熄火了。
[< D sputteren < MD spotten to spit]
phr. sputter on 1. 发着劈啪(或毕剥)声行进
2. 连续不断发生;持续下去
Terrorism sputters on, but the government has learned to cope with it. 恐怖活动仍不断发生,但政府已知道如何应对。
His unspectacular career sputtered on. 他继续过着平凡的生涯。
sputter out 1. 发着劈啪(或毕剥)声熄灭
The candle sputtered out. 蜡烛毕剥一声熄灭了。
2. 逐渐止息
These incidents would sputter out. 这类事件会渐渐平息的。




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