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spring /sprɪŋ/ vi. | vt. | n. | a. | phr. I (过去式 sprang /spræŋ/ 或 sprung /sprʌŋ/, 过去分词 sprung) ❶ vi. 1. 跳,跃 He sprang across the creek. 他跳过小河。 spring out of bed 一跃下床 spring over a fence 跳过篱笆 Grasshoppers were springing through the field. 蚱蜢在田野里四处蹦跶。 The dog sprang on me (at my throat). 狗纵身向我(我的喉部)扑来。 The panther crouched, ready to spring. 豹子蹲伏着,准备扑过来。 2. 突然改变姿势 Before the train stopped in the station he sprang to his feet and jumped out. 火车还没有在车站停下,他就霍地立起身来跳出车门。 spring to attention 跳起一个立正 Many hands sprang up. 许多手蓦地举了起来。 3. (靠弹性或弹簧)反弹;(捕捉器)被触发突然关上 The branch sprang back. 树枝弹了回去。 The box sprang open when I touched the button. 我一揿按钮,盒子便打开了。 The trap sprang as soon as the hare stepped in it. 野兔一进去,捕捉器即被触发关上。 4. (猎物从躲藏处)受惊跳(或飞)出 5. 迅速行动 (to) His hand sprang to the sword hilt. 他的手飞快地去抓剑柄。 spring to sb.'s assistance 十万火急赶去援助某人 They sprang to the new task. 他们踊跃争取承担这项新任务。 6. (话语等)突然来到(嘴边等) (to) A rude remark sprang to my lips, but I managed not to say it. 一句无礼的粗话突然迸到我的嘴边,可是我总算没有说出来。 An objection sprang to mind. 一项反对的理由在脑海中突然闪现。 Tears sprang to her eyes. 她突然眼泪汪汪。 7. 突然陷入 (into, to) spring into fame 一举成名 A computer will not spring into action without something powering it. 计算机没有动力不会运转。 At last factories sprang to life again. 各家工厂终于又有了生机。 8. (水、血等)涌出;(火花)飞出;(火焰等)突然上升 The sweat sprang up on his forehead. 他的前额冒汗了。 The blood sprang from the wound. 血从伤口涌出。 Sparks sprang from the bonfire. 火花从篝火中飞溅出来。 Flames sprang up everywhere. 火焰突然到处上冒。 Blood sprang to her cheeks. 她的双颊突然涨得通红。 9. 涌现 (up) New buildings are springing up everywhere. 新建筑像雨后春笋般到处出现。 10. (植物等)迅速生长;(友谊等)产生 (up) The rice is beginning to spring up. 稻子正开始迅速生长。 The boy has really sprung up. 这个男孩长得真快。 An attachment sprang up between him and her. 他与她之间产生了爱情。 11. (风)开始吹 (up) A strong wind sprang up soon after we left the harbour. 我们出港后不久就刮起了大风。 12. 发源(于);出身(于);来(自) (from) The river springs from a lake. 这条河的源头是一个湖。 spring from the aristocracy 出身于贵族 All our errors have sprung from carelessness. 我们所有的错误都是由粗心造成的。 Where did you spring from? I didn't hear you coming in. 你是从哪里冒出来的? 我没听见你进来。 13. 耸立 A steeple springs high above the town. 教堂的尖塔耸立于该镇上空。 14. (木板等)翘曲;裂开 The door has sprung. 这扇门翘了。 15. (机械部件)移位;松动 16. (地雷、水雷)爆炸 17. 〈美口〉〈澳口〉付账,请客 (for) I'll spring for the drinks. 酒钱我会付的。 18. 〈美俚〉被释放;越狱 19. 〈古〉(曙光等)开始出现;破晓 20. 【建】(拱等)起始,起拱 ❷ vt. 1. 惊起(猎物),使从躲藏处跳出(或飞出) spring a covey of quail 惊起一窝鹌鹑 2. 使靠弹簧开启(或关上) spring a mousetrap 触发捕鼠器弹簧使突然关上 spring a lock open 开锁 3. 〈罕〉跳过 spring a wall 跳过围墙 4. 使裂开;使折裂 I have sprung my racket. 我把球拍打裂了。 The heavy weight sprang one of the beams. 重物把一根横梁压得开裂了。 5. 使弯曲 6. 把(弹簧等)拉得超过弹性限度,使松开 This clip has been sprung. 这枚回形针已经松脱而夹不住东西了。 7. 使(地雷、水雷)爆炸 8. 突然提出(或宣布) spring a motion on an assembly 突然向大会提出一项动议 spring a new theory 出人意料地提出一种新理论 He loves to spring surprises on us. 他喜欢突然宣布什么来使我们吃一惊。 spring the news of one's divorce (on sb.) 突然(向某人)宣布自己离婚的消息 9. 扭伤,使跛 His left leg was sprung. 他的左腿扭伤了。 10. 给…装上弹簧(或发条) spring a carriage 给马车装弹簧 spring a watch 给表装发条 11. 〈古〉花费(金钱) (for) spring ten pounds for amusement 花10镑钱在娱乐上 12. 〈俚〉解除对…的拘禁;使获保释出狱;帮助…越狱 13. 〈澳口〉偶然发现(非法活动等)
II n. 1. 跳跃;一跃的距离 rise with a spring 一跃而起 make a spring at sb. 向某人扑去 2. (弓等的)反弹 3. 弹性,弹力;活力 There was little spring in his muscles. 他的肌肉不太有弹性了。 The old man walked with the spring of a young one. 那老人走路像年轻人一样轻快有力。 4. 弹簧;发条 the spring of a carriage 马车的弹簧 the spring of a clock 钟的发条 5. 泉 a mountain spring 山泉 6. 源泉,根源;(行动等的)原动力,动机 the springs of thought 思想的源泉 The custom has its spring in another country. 这种习俗起源于另一个国家。 the springs of human conduct 人类行为的诱因 7. 春天,春季 Your birthday comes in (the) spring. 你的生日在春天。 I could smell the spring in the air. 我闻到了春天的气息。 8. 创始阶段;(人生的)精力旺盛时期,青春年华 in the full spring of the Renaissance 在文艺复兴的全盛时期 He was in the spring of life. 他正当青春年华。 9. (木板等的)翘曲;弯曲;裂开;折断 10. 〈苏格兰〉欢快的乐曲(或舞曲) He took the bagpipes and played a spring. 他拿起风笛,奏了一支欢快的乐曲。 11. 〈古〉黎明,拂晓 12. 【建】起拱点;起拱线;起拱面 13. 【海】(桅杆等的)裂缝;裂开;倒缆;斜系船缆 14. 大潮,朔望潮(亦作 spring tide)
III a. 1. 装有弹簧(或发条)的 a spring mattress 弹簧床垫 a spring watch 靠发条驱动的表 2. 春季的;适宜于春季的 spring wheat 春小麦 a new spring outfit 一套簇新的春装 [<OE springan; 与 ON springa, OHG springan, Sans sprhayati he desires, OSlav pragu grasshopper 有关] phr. spring a leak (或 leaks) 见 leak |