释义 |
splurge /splɜːdʒ/ vi. | vt. | n. 〈口〉 I ❶ vi. 1. 挥霍金钱;舍得花钱 (on) splurge on a mink coat 花大钱买一件貂皮外套 splurge out regally 像帝王般挥金如土 If you really get into omelettes, you should splurge and procure a good copper omelette pan. 你如果真的对炒蛋感兴趣,那么就该舍得花钱买一个优质的铜制炒蛋用平锅。 2. 夸耀 Wild flowers splurged. 野花争艳。 ❷ vt. 挥霍(金钱) (on) I splurged the extra money on a diamond ring. 我把这笔外快毫不在乎地用来购买一只钻戒。
II n. 1. (一次)挥霍 go on a splurge 挥霍一场 We had a bit of a splurge and bought a car. 我们手头阔了一下,买了一辆汽车。 2. 夸耀;(尤指财富的)夸示 The party we attended was a personal promotion splurge for a film star. 我们参加的社交聚会是一次给一位电影明星捧角儿的宣传活动。 cut a splurge 摆阔 3. (感情等的)爆发,迸发 a sudden splurge of energy 精力的爆发 4. (新闻写作用语)(报刊上的)大幅广告;长篇特写 [AmE? < SPL(ASH) + (S)URGE] |