

单词 splatter
释义 splat·ter /ˈsplætə(r)/ vi. | vt. | n. | a.
I vi.
1. (液体)溅泼;啪嗒作响
He wiped off the mud that had splattered on him. 他擦去溅在身上的泥浆。
2. 结结巴巴地说话
1. 溅泼(液体)
Food was splattered all over the table. 桌上全是溅出的食物。
2. 溅湿;溅污
an apron splattered with blood 溅上了血污的围裙
3. 以显眼位置展示
The pictures of atrocities were splattered all over the front page. 在头版上醒目地刊出了一幅幅暴行的图片。
4. 结结巴巴地说出
5. 打,揍

II n.
1. 溅出物
wipe up a splatter of ketchup on the rug 揩掉溅在地毯上的番茄酱
2. 溅泼声,啪嗒声
The clap of thunder was followed by a splatter of large raindrops. 随着裂帛似的雷声而来的是斗大雨点的啪啪声。
He could hear an occasional splatter of sleet on the window. 他听到雨夹雪不时打在窗子上的啪啪声。
3. 凶杀(影)片,恐怖片 (= splatter film)

III a.
[? spatter 与 splash 的缩合]




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