

单词 spill¹
释义 spill¹ /spɪl/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (spilt /spɪlt/ spilled)

1. (不小心)使溢出,使泼出;使洒落
The ship spilled oil while in port. 这条船停泊港内时溢油。
Be careful not to spill water from the bucket. 当心,别让水桶里的水泼出来。
2. 使散落;洒,浇
pick up spilled papers from the rug 从地毯上拾起散落的文件
She has spilt water all over the plants. 她已在植物上浇透了水。
3. 使(血)流出
4. 把…摔下来,使跌下
The horse spilled his rider. 马将骑者摔了下来。
The boat upset and spilled the boys into the water. 船翻了,男孩们都掉进水里。
5. (车、船等)(客)
The car spilt its passengers onto the road. 汽车在路上下客。
6. 减少(帆)的受风压力;减小(风)对帆面的压力
7. 泄漏,说出(秘密等)
spill out one's mind 说出自己的想法
8. 杀死;毁坏,毁灭
9. 浪费
1. 溢出,泼出;洒落;散落
The coffee is so full that it might spill over. 咖啡满得可能溢出。
The water spilled all over the floor. 水泼出来淌了一地。
Her long blond hair spilled down over her shoulders. 她那金黄色的长发披垂在双肩。
Her anger spilled out like lava. 她的愤怒像火山爆发似地迸发出来。
2. 摔下,跌下
The ship was suddenly swamped and all its passengers spilled into the sea. 轮船突然沉没,船上乘客全都掉进海里。
3. 涌流;蜂拥
Crowds spilled into the streets. 人群涌上街道。
Five boys spilled out of the car simultaneously. 5个男孩从汽车里一拥而出。
4. 泄密
5. (帆)减少受风压力

II n.
1. 溢出,泼出;散落
insure against accidental oil spills 保溢油事故险
2. 溢出物;溢出量
a 130,000-gallon spill 13万加仑的溢出量
3. = oil spill
4. 摔下,跌下
He had a spill getting off the bus. 他下公共汽车时摔了一跤。
5. 散射光(尤指散射到需要照明的范围以外的光)
6. = spillway
7. 倾盆大雨
8. (政治上因一重要人事调动带来的)职位空缺
a Cabinet spill 内阁改组空缺
[<OE spillan to destroy; 与 OHG spaltan to split, L spolium booty 有关,见 SPOIL]
phr. spill blood 见 blood
spill one's guts 见 gut
spill over 1. 大得无法被容纳
The cities have grown so crowded that the population is spilling over into new towns. 城市拥挤不堪,以致居民外流到新的城镇。
2. 发展成(into)
Her sympathy for him spilled over into love. 她对他的同情发展成为爱情。
spill the beans 见 bean




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