释义 |
spec·ta·cle /ˈspektəkl/ n. | phr. n. 1. 景象;奇观;壮观 The burning house was a terrible spectacle. 那幢熊熊燃烧的房屋是个可怕的景象。 The sunrise as seen on the sea was a fine spectacle. 海上看到的日出真是美妙的奇观。 2. 公开展示,展览;演出;场面 It was a grand seven-hour spectacle consisting of songs, comedy acts, and acrobatics. 这是一场为时7小时的包括歌唱、喜剧和杂技表演的大型演出。 A quarrel between drunken women is an unpleasant spectacle. 喝醉酒的女人吵架是个丑恶的场面。 3. 引人羡慕(或好奇、轻视)的人或(事物) 4. [spectacles]〈英〉眼镜;护目镜 a schoolteacher in horn-rimmed spectacles 一位戴角质框架眼镜的教师 put on one's spectacles 戴上眼镜 5. [常作 spectacles] 眼镜状的东西;眼镜似的器械;(铁路上红绿信号灯的)灯框 6. [spectacles]看法,观点 [< OFr<L spectaculum show<spectāre to watch<specere to look at, view] phr. look at (或 see) through rose-colo(u)red (或 rose-tinted, rosy) spectacles 〈口〉对…抱乐观态度 They usually look at the political situation through rose-coloured spectacles. 他们对政治局势常抱乐观态度。make a spectacle of oneself 使自己出丑,出洋相 You've saved me from making a spectacle of myself in the street. 你使我免于在街上当众出丑。 |