释义 |
sour /ˈsaʊə(r)/ a. | vt. | vi. | n. | ad. | phr. I a. 1. 酸的,酸味的 sour pickles 酸(泡)菜 produce the four basic taste sensations — bitter, salt, sour and sweet 产生4种基本味觉——苦、咸、酸、甜 These plums taste sour. 这些李子味道好酸。 2. 酸败的,酸臭的,馊的 a sour smell 馊味儿 The baby's clothes have a sour odour. 这婴儿的衣服有股酸臭气味。 3. 发酵的 the sour process of manufacturing starch 制造淀粉的发酵工序 4. 恶臭的;臭烂的 sour breath 口臭 The sour odour of rubbish dump haunted the air. 垃圾堆的腐烂臭味在空气中弥漫。 5. 乖张的,别扭的;易怒的,烦躁的;尖酸刻薄的;郁闷的 a sour temper 乖张的脾气 a sour mood 愠怒的情绪 a sour disgruntled man of small position 一个职位低、脾气大且牢骚满腹的人 be sour towards former associates 尖刻对待昔日同事 take a sour view of things 对事情抱阴郁看法 6. 令人不快的;讨厌的;乏味的;不和谐的 a sour experience 不愉快的经历 a sour job like washing dishes 诸如洗盘子之类枯燥乏味的工作 The joke is on us, a very sour joke indeed! 那笑话是嘲弄我们的,真是个恶毒之极的笑话! The job began to grow sour on him. 他对这工作开始感到乏味。 It was an eloquent address, but it had a sour reception. 这是篇雄辩的演说,但听众反应并不佳。 7. 不行的;有毛病的;不健全的;不得人心的 sour investments 不得计的无利投资 8. 敌对的,敌意的;不抱幻想的,不被迷惑的 Relations between the two countries are getting increasingly sour. 两国之间的关系正在变得愈来愈敌对。 I received a sour look from her. 她朝我狠狠地瞪了一眼。 9. 不合格的,蹩脚的,拙劣的 a sour start 拙劣的开端 10. 〈口〉刺耳的 a sour note 刺耳的音符 The room was full of sour laughter. 屋子里充满了刺耳的笑声。 11. 湿冷的,阴湿的 a sour winter 湿冷的冬天 sour weather 阴湿天气 12. (土壤)缺石灰质的;酸性反应的,酸性过重的 13. (石油等)含硫的 sour gasoline 含硫汽油
II ❶ vt. 1. 使变酸;使有酸味 The hot weather has soured the milk. 炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。 2. 使酸败,使变馊 Tainted vessels sour what they contain. 污染了的盛器会使里面的东西变馊。 3. 使发酵 Yeast is used to sour the wort for beer. 鲜酵母用来使酿啤酒的麦芽汁发酵。 4. 使变坏;使恶化;使腐烂;使受损 Relations between the two governments were soured by border fightings. 两国间的关系由于边境冲突而恶化。 This kind of unilateral action was bound to sour the peaceful atmosphere between the two countries. 这种单方面的行动必然会破坏两国之间的和睦气氛。 Defective cartons soured the apples. 由于包装纸板箱有毛病,苹果腐烂了。 Mental misery soured her disposition. 精神上的痛苦使她性情变得乖戾。 5. 使变得不愉快(或不满);使易生气;使厌烦;使失望,使不抱幻想;使失去兴趣 He was soured by misfortune. 他因遭不幸而变得不快。 These cuts soured relations between the government and the military. 这些裁减恶化了政府与军方之间的关系。 Everything in the house soured the newcomer. 屋子里的每样东西都使新来者失望。 That swindle soured a great many potential investors. 那场骗局使大量的潜在投资者裹足不前。 6. 使变得湿冷(或贫瘠) Some grasses sour land. 有些草会致使土地贫瘠。 7. (尤指漂白、染色时)用稀酸溶液处理 8. (制灰泥时)浸解 sour lime 浸解石灰 ❷ vi. 1. 变酸 2. 变酸败,变馊 Milk sours quickly in hot weather. 牛奶在热天会很快酸败。 3. 发酵 Let the dough sour in the keg for making yeast. 让生面团在桶里发酵以制酵母。 4. 变坏;恶化;变得有害;(脾气)变得乖戾(或暴躁) General business sours and car sales dip. 商业普遍不景气,汽车销售额下降。 Their economy began to sour because of the war. 他们的经济状况由于战争而开始恶化。 It is increasingly evident that relations between them have soured badly. 越来越明显,他们之间的关系严重地恶化了。 The coup soured into a protracted power struggle. 政变后形势恶化,发生了持续的权力之争。 Her temper has soured after marriage. 她婚后脾气变坏了。 5. 感到厌烦;失去兴趣;变得失望(或不抱幻想)(on) They have soured on Carter. 他们对卡特已不抱幻想。 They began to sour on their leadership. 他们对领导开始感到失望。 6. (土壤)变酸性;变得贫瘠
III n. 1. 酸味 2. 酸的东西 sours and dills 酸菜和泡菜 3. 不愉快的事;苦事 take the sweet and the sour 甘苦兼尝 4. 酸味鸡尾酒 5. (冲淡碱性溶液的)酸性洗涤(或漂白)剂
IV ad. 生气地,不高兴地;阴郁地 [< OE sūr; 与 ON sūrr, Lith suras salty, OSlav syrū wet, raw¹, surovu green, raw¹, Sans surā brandy 有关] phr. be sour on 〈美口〉厌恶,讨厌 He was optimistic about his release, but he was much more sour on the world. 他对自己的获释感到乐观,但对这个世界却比原先更加厌恶。go (或 turn) sour 1. 发酸,变酸 During their absence the food in the cupboard turned sour. 他们不在家时食橱里的食物酸腐了。 2. (计划等)出毛病; (建议等)不受欢迎 His marriage has gone (或 turned) sour. 他的婚姻已经破裂。Long-range forecasts have a way of going sour. 长期预测常有出错的可能。He knew that his conspiracy had gone sour. 他知道自己的这项密谋出了岔子。Everything you thought will go sour. 你所想的每件事都不会受欢迎。The market for these commodities shows signs of turning sour. 这些商品出现了滞销的迹象。 3. 对…不抱幻想 (on)He turned sour on these promises. 他对这些诺言不抱幻想。Some scientists went sour on this invention. 有些科学家对这项发明不抱幻想。sour sb. on 〈美〉使某人对…表示反感 That experience soured me on camping for the rest of my life! 那次经历使我此生对野营活动再也不敢领教了! |