

单词 sort out
释义 sort out
1. 整理(东西、思想等);把…分类
It took quite a while to sort out all our luggage. 整理我们的全部行李花了不少时间。
It takes me some time to sort out my thoughts before I can start writing. 下笔以前,我得花些时间理清思路。
Sort out the washing into white and coloured materials. 把要洗的东西分成白色和有色两类。
2. 拣出,拣选;区分
the process of sorting out a cabinet 挑选内阁成员的过程
It is not difficult to sort out the goodies from the baddies in a movie. 要区别电影里的好人坏人是不难的。
Sort out the best apples for eating and cook the rest. 把最好的苹果挑出来吃,其余的煮一煮。
3. 弄清楚;解决
sort out the present situation 弄清当前局势
We have to sort things out between us. 我们得把我们之间的事情弄弄清楚。
I need to get my own problems sorted out. 我需要把自己的问题解决好。
All the outstanding issues have been sorted out. 所有悬而未决的争端都已解决。
4. 主苏格兰使(人员等)排齐,使有次序
The boys sorted themselves out into the two vehicles. 男孩们排好队依次进入那两辆车。
5. 揍,惩处
Wait till I get you outside, and I'll sort you out! 等着,看我不把你揪到外面揍你!
I'll sort the hooligan out. 我要给这个小流氓吃点苦头。
6. [常与 oneself 连用]使恢复正常;整顿
Don't worry, things will sort themselves out in the end. 别担心,情况最终会恢复正常的。
The oil market was in confusion last week. Hardly could anyone predict when it would sort itself out. 上周石油市场很混乱,几乎没有人能预测它何时会恢复正常。
By the time the evening rush hour begins, we should have got the traffic system sorted out. 在傍晚车辆高峰时间到来前,我们应该可以把交通秩序整顿好了。




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