

单词 stone
释义 stone /stəʊn/ n. | a. | ad. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. 石头,石料;石块,石子
be as hard as a stone 像石头一样硬
In early times, men made tools out of stone. 上古时代,人们用石头制造工具。
She stood as though turned to stone. 她站着,好像变成了石头似的。
demolish the structure a stone at a time 一次拆一块石头地拆除建筑物
work the stone 加工石料
stones rolling down the hill 从山上滚下的石块
The boys threw stones in the pond. 孩子们把石子扔进池塘。
2. 界石,界碑;纪念碑;墓碑;里程碑
the marble stones in the graveyard 墓地里的大理石墓碑
3. 磨石,油石;磨刀石
4. (硅等非金属物质含量高的)陨石
5. 宝石,钻石;蛋白石;新西兰含金石英石
a three-carat stone 一颗3克拉的钻石
6. 石子似的东西;冰雹;霰
7. (玻璃中的)结石
8. (硬质的)种子,果核
spit out the stone 把核吐出来
9. 结石;结石病
She had a stone removed from her kidney. 她肾脏里的结石取掉了。
10. [单复同]英石(英制重量单位,相当于14磅或6.35千克,但因物而异,如肉类为8磅,干酪为16磅,玻璃为5磅)
He lost two stone when he was ill. 他生病时体重减轻了2英石。
11. 排版用石台;调墨石台;石印石
12. (15子游戏等的)棋子;(西洋骨牌戏等的)骨牌;(冰上溜石游戏的)大溜石
13. [常作 stones] 睾丸
14. = stone colo(u)r

II a.
1. 石的;石制的;粗陶制的;炻器的
a stone wall 石墙
stone steps 石阶
a stone jar 粗陶罐
2. [S-] 石器时代的
3. 石头似的;冷漠的;冷酷的
a stone face 冷冰冰的脸
She was stone. 她态度冷漠。
4. 完全的,十足的
pure stone craziness 十足纯粹的疯狂
a stone genius 十足的天才
5. 石头色的,石青色的

III ad.
stone sober 完全清醒的

IV vt.
1. 用石铺(或砌、围等)
stone a well 用石砌井
2. 向…扔石块(或石子);用石头砸死
A crowd of demonstrators stoned the town hall. 一群示威者向市政厅扔石块。
Cars were being stoned and fired on. 汽车正被砸,并被点火焚烧。
Under the laws of Islam the punishment for an adulteress is death by stoning. 按伊斯兰律法对奸妇的处罚是用石块把她砸死。
3. 用磨石磨光;用磨刀石磨快
4. 去掉…的果核
She washed and stoned the cherries. 她把樱桃洗净去核。
5. 使变得冷漠,使变得冷酷
[< OE stān; 与 OSax stēn, Ger Stein, ON steinn, Goth stains, Gr stion pebble 有关]
phr. a heart of stone 铁石心肠
be written (或 engraved 或 set) in stone 既定而无法改变的
break stones 1. (靠敲铺路碎石)谋生
2. 陷于极端贫困
cast stones (或 a stone ) (at) = throw stones (或 a stone) (at)
cast the first stone 率先批评(或攻击、责难)
Although he saw her cheating, he didn't want to cast the first stone. 虽然他看见她舞弊,但不想对她开头炮。
give a stone and a beating to 轻易超过(原系赛马用语)
give a stone for bread 把石头当面包送人;帮助是假愚弄是真
harden into stone (使)变得硬如顽石;(使) 变得冷漠 (或冷酷)
leave no stone unturned 千方百计,想尽办法
He left no stone unturned in his search for his lost passport. 他千方百计寻找丢失的护照。
mark with a white stone 把…定为欢乐(或幸运)之日
set stones out 将石块砌成倒置的宝塔状(指上面一块比下面一块稍为突出,依次排列)
stone by stone 一块石头一块石头地,一点一滴地
do the job stone by stone 一点一点地做工作
stone the crows 见 crow¹
Stones will cry out. 冤屈深重石鸣不平。
swim like a stone 下沉
the stone of Sisyphus 徒劳无功的事
Those (或 People) who live in glass houses should not throw stones. 自己有弱点就别去攻击别人。
throw stones (或 a stone) (at) 攻击,指责
throw stones at each other 互相攻击
throw stones at one's own house (或 garden) 搬起石头砸自己的脚,自讨苦吃
throw the first stone = cast the first stone




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