释义 |
so·phis·ti·ca·tion /səˌfɪstɪˈkeɪʃən/ n. 1. 老于世故;失去天真;矫揉造作 She had a direct naïveté which did not bother to pretend to sophistication. 她有一种直率的天真纯朴,全不矫揉造作。 2. 有教养;温文尔雅;老练,富于经验 He seems to have a university-bred sophistication. 看来他受过大学教育,文质彬彬。 the level of sophistication shown by the union negotiators 工会谈判代表所表现出来的老练程度 a sophistication in design 设计技巧的高超 3. (技术、产品等的)复杂(性),精密(性);高级(性),尖端(性);复杂(或精密)的产品;高级(或尖端)的产品 the subtlety and sophistication with which the intelligence agency performs its jobs 情报机构执行任务时的微妙性和复杂性 The military machinery will grow in sophistication and destructive power. 军事装备将变得越来越先进,破坏力越来越大。 4. 诡辩;谬论 5. 搀杂,搀假;篡改;搀杂(或搀假)物 |