释义 |
soothe /suːð/ vt. | vi. | n. I ❶ vt. 1. 安慰,抚慰,劝慰;使平静,使镇定 I soothed the child off to sleep. 我已把孩子哄睡了。 A nice cup of tea will soothe your nerves. 一杯好茶能使你镇定下来。 I had a little trouble in soothing her down. 我好不容易才使她平静下来。 try to soothe ruffled feathers 试图平息怒气 The sound of gurgling water seemed to soothe Harry's head. 汩汩的流水声似乎使哈里的头脑平静下来。 2. 减轻,缓和(痛苦、伤痛、困难等) Nobody can totally soothe his suffering. 没有人能使他完全忘掉痛苦。 soothe a sore throat 缓解喉痛 take steps to soothe traffic headaches 采取措施缓和交通拥挤 3. 〈古〉用许诺哄骗;奉承;迎合 soothe sb.'s vanity 迎合某人的虚荣心 ❷ vi. 起抚慰作用;起镇定作用
II n. 〈罕〉安慰感;镇定作用 [< OE sōthian to prove < sōth sooth] |