释义 |
song and dance 1. 歌舞表演 2. 〈美〉[常和 give 连用]唠叨;空话;胡言乱语;(为骗取同情而编造的)花言巧语;大篇谎话 He gave me a long song and dance about how busy he was. 他向我唠叨了一大通,说他如何忙得不可开交。 Every time he's late, he gives me a song and dance about oversleeping. 他每次迟到,总要向我编上一大套如何睡过了头之类的谎话。 3. 〈口〉[常和 make 连用]小题大作;大肆宣扬 Her father made a great song and dance about her being home late. 她父亲对她回家太晚一事大做文章。 The Labour manifesto made a great song and dance about the mess the Conservatives had left. 工党的声明对保守党遗留下来的烂摊子大肆渲染。