

单词 soldier
释义 sol·dier /ˈsəʊldʒə(r)/ n. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. (陆军)士兵;军人
both officers and soldiers 官兵们
serve as a soldier 当兵
He wants to be a soldier when he grows up. 他长大后想当兵。
2. 军事家;富有军事经验(或才能)的人
a fine soldier 优秀的军事家
He is no soldier. 他没有指挥作战的才能。
He was one of the greatest soldiers who have ever lived. 他是历史上最伟大的军事天才之一。
3. 为事业而献身的人;老战士
a soldier in the cause of women's rights 维护妇女权益的斗士
4. (具有大头和大上颚的)兵蚁
5. 寄居蟹
6. = button man
7. 逃避工作的人;懒汉
8. 英口一片(烤)面包

II vi.
1. 从军,当兵
go soldiering 参军
He soldiered under General Patton during World War II. 第二次世界大战时他在巴顿将军部下当兵。
From the age of 46 onwards he was not engaged in soldiering at all. 他46岁以后根本就不从事军务了。
2. (不顾困难等)坚持下去,继续干下去(on)
He'll soldier on whatever happens. 不管发生什么事,他将继续干下去。
3. 游手好闲;敷衍塞责;磨洋工
He's soldiering on the job. 他在磨洋工。
4. 装病
[< OFr soudier < soude (army) pay < SOLIDUS]
phr. a soldier of fortune (为金钱或找刺激可以在任何人手下或任何一国政府之下当兵的)雇佣兵;冒险者
play at soldiers (儿童)玩打仗游戏
play (或 come) the old soldier
1. 摆老资格
He enjoys playing the old soldier among his friends. 他喜欢在朋友们面前摆老资格。
2. 工作时偷懒,磨洋工
If the boss was more strict, Tom would not attempt to play the old soldier. 要是老板严厉一些的话,汤姆就不会在工作时想偷懒了。
3. 装成生活无着的老兵讨钱(或讨酒喝)
Go away and don't come the old soldier in my pub again. 走开,别再装作生活无着的老兵在我酒馆里乞讨。




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