

单词 snatch
释义 snatch /snætʃ/ vt. | vi. | n.
I vt.
1. 夺;夺走,夺得
The thief snatched her handbag and ran off. 小偷夺过她的手提包逃之夭夭。
She snatched the matches away from the child. 她一把夺下孩子手里的火柴。
be snatched away by death 被夺去生命
snatch victory out of defeat 从败局中夺取胜利
2. 一下子拉;一把抓住
The wind snatched his cap off. 风一下子刮走了他的帽子。
He snatched up the glass just as it began to topple off the table. 杯子快从桌子掉下时他一把将它抓住。
He snatched up a rifle to ward off his attackers. 他一把抓起一支步枪,挡开袭击他的人。
The rescuer snatched the boy out of the sea. 营救者一把抓住男孩,把他从海中救起。
3. 抓住机会做;抽空做
snatch a kiss 抓住机会抢个吻
snatch half an hour's rest 抓紧时间休息半小时
snatch a hasty meal in a refreshment room 抓紧时间在点心店匆匆吃顿饭
Snatched hours of sleep have left his eyes red-rimmed. 他只能见缝插针断断续续睡几个小时,把眼圈都熬红了。
4. 抓走,绑架
The Secret Service snatched up the lady and whisked her away in a car. 特工人员抓住那位女士并用车把她迅速带走了。
1. 想要夺;试图夺取(at)
He snatched out for a gun. 他伸手想去夺枪。
snatch at a handbag 抢手提包
2. 一把抓住;迅速接受(at)
snatch at an opportunity 一下抓住机会
snatch at an offer 别人一提出马上就接受

II n.
1. 夺;夺取;抢夺
The thief made a snatch at the woman's purse. 小偷抢夺那妇女的钱包。
2. [snatches]片刻,短时
work in (或 by) snatches 断断续续地工作
He slept in (或 by) uneasy snatches. 他睡得不安稳,不时惊醒。
3. 片断,点滴
a snatch of dialogue 一段对白
overhear snatches of a talk 无意中听到断断续续的谈话内容
4. 抓走,绑架
pay a ransom to get a hostage back from a snatch 付赎金赎回被绑架的人质
5. 抢劫(案)
a diamond snatch 钻石抢劫案
6. (举重的)抓举
7. (女性的)阴部
[< ME snacchen to seize; 与 MD snacken to snap at 有关;? 受 latch¹, catch 影响]




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