

单词 smoke
释义 smoke /sməʊk/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. 烟;一团(或一缕)
a cloud of smoke 一团烟
He puffed cigarette smoke into my face. 他把卷烟的烟朝我脸上喷。
The smoke hurt my eyes. 烟熏得我眼睛痛。
Smokes were curling from the valley. 一缕缕烟在山谷中缭绕。
2. 烟雾,雾气
the cold smoke of a waterfall 瀑布冰冷的水雾
3. (一次)抽烟;抽的烟(如纸烟、烟草、雪茄等)
I came outside for a smoke. 我来到外面吸口烟。
He offered me a smoke. 他递给我一支烟。
The chief editor spends a lot on smokes and liquor each year. 主编每年在烟酒两项上花费很大。
4. (驱虫等用的)熏烟,烟熏剂
5. 虚无,乌有
Everything turned to smoke. 一切化为乌有了。
6. 模糊,混乱
The smoke generated by the controversy has cleared. 争议造成的混乱已经澄清。
7. 烟幕;假情报
do sth. for smoke 做某事以混淆视听
8. 劣酒,冒牌酒
9. 烟灰色,烟青色
10. 美俚黑人
11. 快投,快球
12. [the S-] 大城市(尤指伦敦)
13. 大麻,大麻制品
blow smoke 抽大麻(或大麻制品)

II vi.
1. 冒烟
We could see a chimney smoking in the distance. 我们看得到远处的烟囱在冒烟。
The kerosene lamp smokes badly. 煤油灯冒烟冒得厉害。
Is the fireplace smoking? 壁炉在冒烟吗?
2. 冒雾气,冒热气;扬起尘土
The marsh smokes in the sun. 沼泽在阳光下冒出雾气。
3. (烟雾般地)升腾,弥漫
His anger smoked against her. 他对她大发其火。
4. 抽烟;(烟斗等)被抽吸;抽大麻
He smokes up to a pack of cigarettes a day. 他一天要抽掉一包烟。
This pipe smokes easily (poorly). 这只烟斗容易(不容易)抽。
5. 一溜烟地跑,飞速行进;逃跑
He smoked along. 他一溜烟地跑掉了。
6. 脸红
7. 开枪
8. 受罚,受苦
1. (纸烟、烟斗等);使抽烟抽得…
He smokes cigars. 他抽雪茄。
He smoked cigarette after cigarette. 他一支接一支地抽烟。
He smoked himself to death. 他抽烟抽得丧了命。
2. 熏制(鱼、肉等)
Did you see people smoking hams? 你看到过人们熏制火腿吗?
3. 熏烟驱赶(蚊子等)(为消毒等)烟熏(房屋等)
smoke an animal from its lair 用烟把野兽熏出窝来
smoke a ship 烟熏船舶以消毒
4. 用烟熏黑;熏染
look at the sun through smoked glasses 透过熏黑的镜片看太阳
His brain was smoked with hatred. 他脑子里充满了仇恨。
5. 用烟幕遮蔽(或掩蔽)
6. 打碎(泥制的靶)
7. 美口射杀(某人)
8. (在打斗或比赛中)彻底击败
9. 察觉,怀疑;注意
10. 戏弄,嘲笑
[< OE smoca; 与 MD smieken to emit smoke 有关]
phr. end in smoke 一无结果,终成泡影
The committee discussed various improvements, but it all ended in smoke. 委员会讨论了种种改进措施,但是最后毫无结果。
from (the) smoke into (the) smother 越来越糟,避坑落井
go up in smoke 1. 被烧光,被烧毁
The barn full of hay went up in smoke. 堆满干草的仓房被烧毁了。
2. 发怒,生气
He'll go up in smoke when he hears about this. 他听到这件事会发火的。
3. = end in smoke
have a smoke 抽一支(或一会儿)
holy smoke [表示惊讶、高兴、气愤等]哟;哎呀
Holy smoke! What are you doing here? I thought you were still abroad! 哟!你怎么在这里呀?我以为你还在国外呢!
in 或 into smoke 澳俚躲起来,藏起来
go into smoke 躲起来
be kept in smoke 被藏起来
like smoke 一溜烟地,飞速地;轻易地
They rowed like smoke. 他们飞快地划船。
smoke away 1. 不停地抽烟
2. 以吸烟消磨(时间)
smoke out 1. 用烟熏出;把…赶出
smoke a rat out 用烟把老鼠熏出(洞)
The soldiers smoked the enemy out of their hiding-places. 士兵们把敌人从藏身处赶出。
2. 查出;揭露出
smoke out the truth 查清事实真相
smoke out the instigators of the riots 查出煽动闹事的人
They smoked out the plot. 他们将那个阴谋揭露出来了。
3. 逼某人说出
They smokeed him out on the issue of the coming election. 他们逼他谈一谈有关即将举行的选举的话题。
smoke up 美口
1. 使充满烟
smoke the whole room up 弄得满屋子烟雾腾腾
2. 抽含毒品的烟,吸毒
How many high school students regularly smoke up? 有多少中学生经常吸毒?
take a smoke = have a smoke
There's no smoke without fire.(或Where there's smoke there's fire.)无风不起浪。
watch sb.'s smoke 美俚看某人干得有多快;看看某人的本领
We'll have your yard cleaned in a jiffy, and watch our smoke! 我们不消一会儿工夫就会把你的院子打扫干净,瞧瞧我们干得有多快吧!




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